Soul Contract

Chapter 10: Soul Contract

Meanwhile, Charles's group walked for more than 15 minutes in the dark woods and soon arrived at an open grassland area.

"Let's take some rest here," Claude spoke.

On the other hand, Abium was impressed by Claude's earlier decision.

He knew the blood would draw the monsters' attention to the battle area and thought of telling them to move away, but Claude took the lead before him.

'He will make a good army commander.' He muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, the soldiers and servants took out ointments and natural medicines from their leather bags and healed their wounds.

Suddenly, wolves howling sounds came from the eastern direction, causing everyone to grab their weapons in anxiety.

"Relax. The wolves won't come here." Abium said calmly.

One by one, everyone shifted their gazes towards Abium and looked at him suspiciously.

"Care to tell us why?" Claude asked while loosening the sword grip.

Meanwhile, Abium nodded his head and spoke.

"I threw a type of magical weed into the fire before we left the battlefield. Once the wolves enter the battlefield, they will inhale the smoke and become-"

He paused for a moment and added with a mischievous smile.

"They will become sexually arose and will go berserk."

A strange silence appeared in the grassland, followed by a chuckle.

Claude then thought of something and asked.

"When did you become so proficient in sword arts? I noticed that you used sword aura earlier. Could you tell us what is happening here? Moreover, what is that strange potion?"

'Here it comes.'

Abium knew he had to say some excuse; otherwise, they wouldn't trust him in the future. He could only say that some goddess chose him as her Champion, but that would bring him more trouble in the future.

At that moment, another veteran soldier noticed his troubling expression and quickly spoke while shaking his head.

"Claude, don't trouble him. Everyone has some secrets. Boy, if you didn't want to talk about that, then we won't ask you anything further."

Meanwhile, Abium breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"So, what are you guys planning to do from now on?"

But soon, he met with a puzzled expression from everyone.

'As I thought, they still trust Gauvain.'

He took a deep breath and asked.

"Are you guys planning to go back to Roseglen city and inform about this incident?"

Upon hearing those words, Claude frowned and spoke with a stern face.

"Isn't that what we should do first? Listen, Abium. If any unusual incident happens, we must inform the city garrison within a few hours and make an official complaint. I am planning to write a letter directly to our lord Viscount about this incident."

Others nodded their heads in unison while hearing Claude's reply.

Meanwhile, Abium got stunned inside and almost burst into laughter.

'What should I say to these innocent peoples?' While suppressing his laughter, Abium stared at them amusingly and asked a different question,

"Uncle Claude, what would Viscount do if he finds out that Johnathan and his young son ran away from the battlefield?"

This question made everyone puzzled. Soon, a young soldier, around 25 years old, responded with a solemn tone.

"He would get angry and punish both of them for abandoning us." His reply caused others to nod in unison like a horde of sheep.

'How naive!' Abium looked at them with sympathy and sighed deeply.

'If it were in the past, I would also reply with the same mindset.' He silently turned his gaze towards Claude and waited for his answer.

"Wait, Viscount would never harm his younger son. No, he might try to hide this incident from the masses." After a short deliberation, Claude said in a grim tone.

Abium smiled as he heard those words, nodded his head in appreciation, and corrected him,

"Half right, Uncle. He also cared more about his reputation. So, what he is afraid of most are the neighborhood nobles. If the spies from other household members heard this news, they would use it against him during his next title promotion." Abium stopped for a second and continued.

"Also, Robert will join the magic academy in a few days, so Viscount will use all methods to cover this up. Now, the question is, how will he achieve this? Can he hide this news from spreading to other territories?" As Abium asked those questions, everyone went silent.

"Lord Viscount would personally give some money to bribe us and tell us to keep our mouth shut." A fool replied from the crowd.

"Harry, even at this moment, you are still thinking about how to get more money, huh?" Claude massaged his temple and shifted his gaze towards Abium.

Claude doesn't know how, but he felt that this kid somehow became more mature.

No, he felt like he was talking to an experienced soldier.

Suddenly, Claude thought of the worst possibility and soon widened his eyes.

"You mean Viscount will try to silence us?" He asked in a shocked face.

"Yes." Abium nodded.

The next instant, everyone went silent. Then, Claude and others realized the seriousness of the situation and started to discuss it among themselves.

Meanwhile, Abium quietly observed these soldiers and studied them.

'These guys only practiced basic cultivation techniques and also lack sword techniques.'

These sword techniques were top secrets for the houses or organizations. In the past, Abium learned a basic sword technique due to Oliver's kindness and rose to walk on the warrior's path. But people like Uncle Claude and other soldiers didn't get chances like Abium and stayed as low-tier warriors until now.

After pondering for a second, he made up his mind and said while clapping.

"I have a proposal for all of you."

Everyone gave him a curious look, and finally, after a short pause, Claude spoke.

"Say it, kid."

Meanwhile, Abium smiled lightly and spoke,

"If you are willing to form a soul contract not to reveal any secrets and work for me in the future, I will give you a way to escape from this situation."

"Abium, do you think you are a Noble? Why would we want to form a soul contract with an orphan like you?" The servant named Harry became enraged.

"Shut up, kid." Claude glared at that servant boy and shifted his head to Abium.

'The soul contract is not a bad thing. I have seen Gauvain's Elite Knights signing soul contracts for safety purposes.' He thought.

From the way Abium used sword aura in the fight, Claude guessed it might be an intermediate-tier sword technique.

"Is that about sword technique?" He probed with a sharp look on his face.

Abium nodded his head and stared back at him without even flinching.

Claude stared at Abium for a few seconds and replied with a nod.

"Okay, I am willing to make a soul contract." Claude's answer surprised everyone.

"Claude, are you out of your mind? Why are you wasting your time and energy on him? You will die if you accidentally spill any information about that contract. You know that, right?" Another middle-aged man said coldly.

"My friend, Edward, you saw that aura around his sword, didn't you?" Claude's reply made all those experienced warriors ponder.

Yes! All the veteran soldiers saw what had happened earlier.

They saw the battle between a 15-year-old kid and a hybrid monster in front of their eyes!

If they told this news to someone, they knew no one would believe it, but the truth was right in front of them.

Hobgoblin was not an opponent even Claude and other soldiers could even dream of fighting against.

But this kid had killed that monster in front of them using tactics and sword aura.

"You are right. I don't like to work under some kid, but I will listen to your words, Claude." That warrior named Edward said with some annoyance and agreed.

Others soon followed him, and even servants agreed to work under him.

'That went smoothly.' He was pleased inside.