First Spell

Chapter 19: First Spell

Five days passed in a blink.

During the five days, Abium absorbed more than five white clouds in the strange realm and increased his spirit power up to 2.3 points!

Moreover, he also read the Rune Book and started learning the basics of the Rune Language.

Rune Language was the main pillar of magic and was also used to construct spell models and magic array circles.

Rune language had a total of 12,350 rune letters.

It was also further divided into Soul Runes, Body Runes, Spell Runes, and Weapon Runes. Soul Runes had 1,200 letters, Body Runes had 1,800 letters, Chaos had 10,800 letters, and finally, the Weapon Runes had 50 letters.

Each letter had unique mystical power, and combing those letters could form a magic word, which was the basic form of making a spell model. The incantation he recited earlier also worked similarly to this one.

For example, a zero-tier spell model had around 20 to 40 Rune Characters, and they form into a unique sentence when merged.

These combined characters had some mystical power to gather a particular elemental power from the surrounding environment, manipulate them into a unique shape and release them in the form of a magic spell.

Some spell models could produce offensive magic spells like Fireball, Ice Arrow, etc. some could manipulate the surrounding elements and act as supportive spells; a few spells could create a defensive shield to protect the users.

That's how a magic spell works.

Also, there was a golden rule among mages: every mage must learn Rune Language at all costs.

It was more like a Holy Language for Mages!

As he read further, he noticed that some information about artifact creation also appeared in the book.

For instance, a magic artifact was created by inscribing one or many magic array circles and spell models. And if someone applied the required amount of mana, the magic artifact would produce effective magic spells.

If Abium wanted to create a magic item that produces a Fireball or any other magic, he had to inscribe a primary creation array structure. Although there was no mention of how to construct an array circle in the Rune Language book, Abium thought he must research more about those runic array circles in the future.

Once he created an array circle, he had to construct a spell model in that array and complete it.

After that, he also had to create a mana manipulation array and mana control array to create a magic rune circle.

These two arrays were the basic array circles applied to every magic item. If Abium put mana into that array circle without using these array circles, the whole array circle would fail, and sometimes it might explode.

The number of arrays one could create also depends on one's mastery of the Rune Language.

'Hmm, it seems I need to apply the same procedure for creating spell scrolls as well.' Abium's eyes widened as he closed the book and stood up from the bed.

"What about the Mana Cultivation technique? Do you have any now?" He asked.

Meanwhile, Azolla stopped her hand and waved her hand.

"It's a difficult process, kid. It's better to create the 'Mana Imprint' after you return to the mainland." She paused for a moment as she noticed the puzzlement on his face and continued with a sigh.

"You have to create a unique array structure in your abdomen region to gather 'Mana' from the surroundings. But the array structure might get destroyed when you walk through the Borderland later. That land has the power to nullify any elemental energy that appears closer to it."

"Oh? Can I face the trial now? I think my current spirit power is more than enough to activate the Throne, right?" While asking, he moved towards the right-side glass window and looked outside.

On the other hand, Azolla shook her illusionary head and spoke.

"I still need more than two days to inscribe the rank-2 Darkness and Space spell models in the spellbook." She suddenly thought of something and made a suggestion.

"If you are free, why don't you create your first spell model now?"

Abium suddenly turned around as he heard her words and soon spoke while shaking his head.

"If I did that, I might not be able to cross the Borderland. I don't want to take a gamble on that."

"I don't think that Borderland will affect your spell model and pull you deep into the earth, kid. Unlike the mana absorption array, the spell models will be engraved in your soul after the spell construction process. So, you can use your Spirit Power anytime you want. Even if you construct a spell model now, you will still be considered a mortal." Azolla spoke.

Meanwhile, Abium raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

A chuckle escaped out of Azolla's mouth.

"You see. Constructing a Tier-0 spell in your mind won't make you a mage, Abium. To become a true Mage, you have to construct six or seven spell models in your mind and Rank up to become an Official Mage. But Ranking up isn't an easy job. To rank up from an Apprentice Mage to an Official Mage, you need to consume an alchemic potion and break the first shackle of mortality. At that moment, your lifespan expectancy will increase up to 150 to 200 years and even strengthen your body considerably. In truth, you will be powerful enough to even crush a Rank-3 warrior like a bug. That's the power of an Official Mage."

Without waiting for him to say another word, she suddenly raised her illusionary hand and snapped her fingers.

A similar bluish panel materialized in front of Abium's face a second later.

At that moment, he saw a list of spell model names that appeared in the Easica Language and widened his eyes.

"Choose a suitable Fire Spell and construct it in your mind," Azolla added calmly.

Meanwhile, Abium showed a dazed look on his face and hurriedly nodded.

Then, he checked the spell names for some time and finally selected a spell called [Fire Orb].

He read the description and soon found out that this spell could inflict damage up to all the third-tier warriors.

[Spell Name: Fire Orb

Tier: Tier-1 Fire Spell

Description: Once the Fire Orb comes in contact with an object, it will explode and ignite the surroundings while creating shockwaves.

Cooldown Time: Based on mana absorption rate from the surroundings.]

'Hmm? This spell resembles like is a small version of the fireball. Also, I only need to inscribe 26 runic letters in my mind to construct the spell model.' He nodded inwardly and selected the spell model by touching the blue interface-like panel.

The next instant, a small hexagonal structure made of 26 rune letters appeared in front of his eyes.

Abium looked at the mysterious reddish hexagonal structure for some seconds, zeroed his attention on a strange, complicated letter, and started memorizing it.

Then, he focused his attention on his mind and tried to create the same rune letter in his mind.

A second later, he noticed that a mysterious power started to gather closely and soon formed into a shape of a Rune Letter.

A surprise flashed on his face.

'That's it?'

After that, Abium tried to repeat the process but failed to create the second Rune letter.

Because of his lack of understanding of runic language, he failed more than 20 times to recreate the exact copy of those rune letters, and it took him almost three hours to construct this [Red Orb] spell model.

Once he finished inscribing the last rune letter, a fierce fire-elemental fluctuation appeared around him.

At that moment, Azolla also stopped her quill, shifted her gaze towards Abium, and saw fire elements were sparkling around Abium in a circle.

After two seconds, that fire circle gradually assimilated inside his body, leaving nothing behind.

"Congratulations," Azolla said calmly and then turned her attention towards the table.

Meanwhile, Abium saw the fire spell model starting to shine in red color and got stunned inside.

It drifted inside his mind like a reddish crystal and appeared beautiful!

'Interesting!' He nodded with a smile and checked his space ring.

He soon frowned as he noticed only two reddish dry fruits in his space ring, turned his gaze towards Azolla, and asked.

"Can you teleport me outside? I want to search for food in the woods and also have to refill my water pouch."

"Okay. If you go towards the Tower's southeastern side, you'll find a group of ducks roaming near the river shore. But be careful of the goblins, though. There also seems to be a small group of goblins staying near the river." Azolla said without even turning around and waved her hand.

The next instant, Abium felt that his vision turned blurry suddenly and soon found himself standing outside the Tower's entrance.

"She sure is a mysterious Tower Spirit." He muttered aloud, glanced at the Goddess's statue, and walked ahead.