
Chapter 48: Hemarc

"Let me tell you the reasoning, I know. Light God and Mother Nature Goddess do not seem to be fighting among themselves. They are friendly. So, why should this believer and the bartender have to fight?" Many people laughed at Abium's comment.

As that Light follower heard this, he frowned and said,

"This child appears to be intelligent. But can the debate be solved only by a fun speech? Tell me whether Lord Light is a Greater god or not!"

"Light God is the 'Greater God,' and Mother Goddess is also a 'Greater God.' Mother Nature Goddess and the Light God are two Gods with equal power. Pray for whomever you want, but why are you fighting?" Abium asked.

"How can you say that? What is the basis for saying that Light God and Mother Nature Goddess are equal?" Hemarc further questioned.

Many in the crowd, with great enthusiasm, took stones from the ground and threw them at Hemarc, while some tried to prevent this act.

"Damn bastards," shouting at them, Hemarc went deep into the crowd rotating his staff in his hand to fight against the group.

Abium thought that a big riot and uproar were going to happen.

But at that moment, there was a big bustle that made the crowd split in every direction.

"Brave Warrior, Margrave Eliot, our hero of the Peral kingdom, is coming here! Move out of the way!" A slogan raised from afar, followed by hundreds of well-armored knights, came from the Summer Fell City Road and marched towards the Bare Keep Town Road.

The crowd soon dispersed, quietly stood on either side of the road, and watched the army marching towards Bare Keep Town.

Abium also stood near a tree and waited for the military to pass through.

Behind the army came a red shroud carriage covered with silk.

As Abium gazed at the carriage, a hand clad in bangles and bracelets with a reddish color emerged and slightly slipped off the silk curtain of the carriage.

The bright light shone as the sun covered with clouds withdrew as the face of a young woman appeared.

At the same time, the young woman's eyes stared back at Abium and soon widened.

The next second, she suddenly screamed in panic and closed the silk curtain of the red carriage again.

'What the hell was that?' A dumbfounded look appeared on his face.

Abium hurriedly glanced around and looked at his surroundings.

He instinctively knew that the young woman had closed the red curtain right after seeing someone close to him.

A second later, he soon zeroed his gaze towards his left side and saw Hemarc was standing under a tree's shadow.

But unlike before, the Mother Nature Goddess follower's face was swollen and beaten.

Abium really couldn't understand how this guy had obtained the status of the Mysterious Spy of the Royals.

Meanwhile, Hemarc didn't mind his gaze and continued to watch the army.

Within a few minutes, soldiers disappeared from their visions, and people also followed their own business.

Suddenly, Hemarc turned his gaze towards Abium, stared at him deeply, and asked with a smile,

"Little brother! Which side are you going?"

"Do I? I plan on going a little west, then south, then curve a little east, and going southward." Abium replied casually and started walking on the dirt road.

"I didn't want to hear all that. I asked where you would stay tonight." Hemarc said as he followed after Abium.

"Why are you asking for it?" Abium raised his eyebrows and asked without looking at Hemarc.

"I'm just asking, Little Brother. If you're planning on staying at that Bare Keep town, I have a job there," Hemarc said solemnly.

"Do you know how to read people's minds? How did you know I was going to that town?" Meanwhile, Abium showed a surprised look and asked.

"Why are you surprised? Many guests are coming from all over the Kingdom and moving to that town today." Hemarc answered with a smile.

"Is that true?" Abium raised his eyebrows and thought to himself.

'Did I come at the right time?'

"Yes. Can't you see the noble symbols on those soldiers, horses, carriages? Everything belongs to Bare Keep town. These are arranged by the governor Baron to escort Lord Margrave from Summer Fell to Bare Keep town. This respect must hold wherever Margrave goes."

Meanwhile, Abium squinted his eyes and soon fell into deep thoughts.

It was not easy to stay in the same town as Margrave Eliot.

He knew that there would be a crowd all over the town, and every Inn might have booked already. An opportunity to get acquainted with that great Noble was available right before his eyes. But his past life experience with Margrave's guards made him feel discouraged.

"Little brother, can you do me a favor?" Hemarc asked in a compassionate voice.

"What can I do to help you? I'm also new to this place." Abium returned with a question.

"I will only ask what you can do. Take me to Bare Keep town tonight!" Hemarc grinned as he said those words.

"Why? Is another Light believer coming over there? Or do you plan to continue your debate over there about which God is Greater God?" Abium knitted his brows.

"No. No. Please don't think my job is to fight all the time. There will be a big banquet in Bare Keep town governor's Manson tonight. After that banquet, there will be dances, dramas, and other functions. I want to get inside the mansion and watch the beautiful dances of young maidens!"

Meanwhile, Abium narrowed his eyes and couldn't understand what this short guy was planning.

"If what you say is true, I doubt they will let me enter the town today."

"Are you telling me you didn't have an invitation card to enter the town?" Hemarc suddenly halted his footsteps and asked in surprise.

Abium shook his head and replied while walking,

"I also have some method to enter the town, but I didn't know I could succeed."

"Is that so?"

The two walked silently for a while.

Then, Abium glanced towards the left side and asked,

"Why are you still following me?"

"I can also turn that question around, Little Brother. Why are you following me? Why not go in another way?" Hemarc spoke profoundly, continued to walk, and then asked.

"Little Brother! Please do me a favor now!"

"I just said that I wouldn't help you enter the town. You also agreed, right? What now?" A trace of annoyance appeared in Abium's voice.

"This is something else. I will give you a letter. If you manage to enter the Bare Keep Town, can you give this letter to someone?" Hemarc asked while talking out a brownish scroll out of thin air and gave it to him.

"To whom?" Abium was stunned by his action and asked while creasing his eyebrows.

"You saw that beautiful woman, right? Margrave's men and his guards escorted the most beautiful woman earlier. I want you to give this letter to her and help me convey my inner feelings." Hemarc's eyes sparkled as he said those words.

"What did you think of me? Did I look like a guy who does this type of work? If some other guy had told me such a word, I would have already chopped his head by now." Abium almost got angry and shoved him.

"Little brother, don't be angry! If you can't, then say so. But there is no harm in helping me, right? Come on!" Hemarc persistently asked him.

But Abium didn't even listen to his single words and fastened his footsteps.

'This guy is not a spy. He is a fool!'

Abium didn't look back and hurriedly went to Bare Keep Town.