
Chapter 53: Argument

Margrave Eliot deliberated while glancing at everyone's worried expression and continued with a sigh.

"One-third of the Nobles from the west are attending this meeting, and another faction led by Duke Pawelinus is also experiencing the same frustration as us. Only the two Princesses, Duchess Margery and Academic Mages are backing the Crown Prince. If the King died before the coronation ceremony, we might be able to alter the fate of our kingdom's downfall."

Margrave concluded his speech and lazed gently on the chair.

Meanwhile, others started debating furiously.

"I also concur with your words, Lord Eliot. We Nobles participated in the battle against the Wadel kingdom several times two decades ago. But what did those royal family members do? That crown prince is wasting his time building some long-lost ten-layer magic tower. Meanwhile, Prince Tybost is competing against him and constructing a massive fortification near the Southern Dungeon. He still believes in those bed stories and demons. If both continued to waste the tax money and savings of the royal family on unnecessary things, our kingdom would soon crumble. I also got another piece of news that the magic tower is almost over."

Count Arthur replied in a solemn tone. The whole crowd of guests nodded their heads.

At that moment, Margrave Eliot abruptly opened his closed eyes and asked.

"Has that magic tower already been completed?"

"It's true, My Lord. I also know this information through my private spies over there. The King also received letters from his lovely elder son. Crown prince invited him to come to the newly built Magic tower and stay there for some time." Another voice responded in a worried tone.

But unlike before, Abium felt a familiarity upon hearing those words. He peered at the crowd and soon saw a 50-years-old man.

The guy had black hair, a square face, and blue eyes.

He wore a black overcoat, leather boots, and a unique greyish-gem embedded necklace.

'Wait. Isn't that Nicolaus's father Baron Tibbott's voice?' Abium's eyes squinted.

"Is the king going to stay in that magic tower?" A muscular guy asked in a concerned tone.

At the same time, Margrave Eliot chuckled and answered.

"You don't have to bother about that. My younger brother is serving as a Royal knight captain now. I already notified him about our plan. So, no one can enter the palace without his permission. He will not let King move from the Royal Capital to the magic tower. No one can meet the King without his approval, nor can they give scrolls. So far, he stopped the scrolls that came in two or three times."

Meanwhile, all those Nobles breathed a sigh of relief and started talking among themselves.

Margrave Eliot and other Nobles discussed for the next two hours, causing Abium to yawn out of boredom.

As many voices blended, nothing came clear to his ear.

After a lengthy discussion, Baron Tibbott got tired of their conversation and spoke in annoyance.

"What are all of you talking head to head? It's already 3 in the morning. The morning star has already started to visible up in the sky. Now, is there anyone who still has any doubts or questions about Lord Eliot's decision?"

As the Nobles glanced at each other, one 35-years-old looking man suddenly raised his hand and spoke.

"I have a doubt. Others may also have the same doubt in their minds as mine. If Lord Margrave promises that he would not get angry after I tell more about that doubt, I would love to talk about it!"

He was Baron Warnier. Although his words appeared polite and respectful, everyone in the secret meeting felt uneasy suddenly.

Unlike other nobles, this guy was more like a poisonous snake.

While saying so, Baron Warnier peeked at Eliot and waited for the reply.

"It is my custom to show all my anger only on the battlefield, Warnier. I won't show it to my allies. You are free to ask anything." Eliot let out a chuckle and replied while noticing everyone's nervousness.

"Great. When Lord Eliot is continuously accusing King Sewallus and the Royal family regarding their decision on choosing the Crown Prince, some criticisms are also imposed on you, my Lord."

"Hmm? What is that? How? Explain to me in detail." Margrave Eliot's eyes squinted sharper.

"All of us know that My Lord married a girl two years ago ..."

Before Warnier could finish his speech, Baron Tibbott's voice echoed in anger,

"Warnier! Don't present that matter here. It is not a matter you can absurdly ask our great leader, our guest, here in this situation."

As Tibbott started scolding Warnier, Eliot suddenly raised his right hand to stop both of them and began to speak.

"I advise you to be patient, Baron Tibbott. Let us hear what Warnier wants to say. It is better to listen to his doubts than keep one in mind. I indeed married a woman after I crossed seventy years. But is there anything wrong with that?"

"No." Instantly, several others responded in agreement.

"I am not saying that marrying a young girl is wrong. But. but..." Baron Warnier stuttered.

"But what? Open your mind and ask!" Eliot started back at Baron Warnier and said sharply.

"Some state that My Lord only listens to that girl's judgment in every matter. Some say that Lord Eliot only accepts the Young Lady's opinion even in diplomatic affairs. They are also telling that you're bringing that Young Lady wherever you go."


Now, a burst of laughter exploded within the crowd.

Tibbott suddenly stood up from his seat, glared at everyone, and asked,

"Who dares to laugh in our Lord's presence? Come here and describe the reason for that laughter right away!"

His eyes were filled with full of rage as he said that.

"I only laughed, Tibbott. Don't worry!"

Meanwhile, Eliot replied with a warm smile and continued his speech as he stared at Warnier.

"Warnier! Is it illegal for me to take my married wife everywhere? I have indeed brought her to many places. But to state that I ask her opinions on Royal affairs is bizarre. I don't do that." Eliot firmly shook his head.

At that moment, Warnier showed a hesitant look and finally spoke.

"If so, I implore you to try to solve only one more doubt, My Lord. Why did that red carriage appear here for this secret meeting? Is there anyone inside the carriage? If not? From where are the loud noises and the giggling sounds coming?"


A strange quietness appeared in the crowd when they heard those words from Baron Warnier's mouth. The same thoughts and questions arose in many guests' minds, but no one dared to ask Margrave out loud.

Slowly, Margrave turned his expression grave and said in a firm tone,

"That is the right question, and I'm obliged to comment. I will resolve your doubts before this meeting dissolves. Maybe after half an hour? Don't you have that much trust in me?"

"There is; we have faith in you, My Lord!" Many voices nervously responded to his question.

After that, many discussed their idea about the next King. Some said Duke Louvel would be suitable to become the future King, while others said Duke Adhemar would be good. Both were leaders of major factions and had Royal blood flow through their bodies.

After everyone discussed with each other, Margrave Eliot finally cleared his throat and started to speak.

"I think it's time for me to tell you the truth." His booming voice attracted everyone's attention.

Without minding their puzzled gazes, Eliot continued.

"If we began to oppose the royal family in the open, we will have to face retaliation from the Academic Mages. Unlike other faction Nobles, Mages will always support the Royal Family, and if they know about our plan, they will kill us in less than a few minutes. Lord Duke Louvel and I discussed this matter a few days ago, and he told me that Lord Louvel and Lord Adhemar had already formed an agreement with someone."

"Someone? Can you tell us more about this someone, My Lord?" Tibbott asked in confusion. It was the first time the Nobles heard about this alliance and became curious.

Meanwhile, Eliot nodded his head and answered.

"It's an agreement with the Southern Holy See of Light. If a fight occurs in the future, the Holy See will send an Archbishop and five Bishops to help us fight against mages."

There was an abrupt dead silence this time, followed by murmurs.