Battle in the Fortress

Chapter 73: Battle in the Fortress

Abium remained sitting under the tree's shadow for the next few hours and thought deeply about their next plan.

'In the end, we've no choice but to go to the fortress, huh? Moreover, the skeletons also seemed to have learned their lesson and stopped coming here. No, the other party might have gotten enough information about us and decided to go on a defensive mode.' A frown appeared on his face.

He soon looked up at the sky and noticed that the artificial sun had moved further away from the center sky.

'The pocket dimension is also a globe-like land like Easica World? Will it become dark soon?' He furrowed his brows and decided to wake others up.

Once Nicolaus and others woke up from their deep sleep, he told them to get ready, and soon the group set out towards the island's center.