Undead Wyrm

Chapter 82: Undead Wyrm

"Hurry! We won't be able to fight this thing near the pond." Abium shouted as he started running in the opposite direction.

At that moment, he knew that the fight was inevitable and decided to choose the right place to do battle.

Meanwhile, Fennelis and Nicolaus nodded their heads in understanding and ran after him towards the plains.

After running for a few hundred meters, Abium finally stopped his footsteps, turned around, and spoke with a smile.

"This place should be okay for battle."

"Aren't you afraid of this monster?" Nicolaus arrived next to him and asked with a stiff smile.

Although he also unsheathed his weapon and held it tighter, his legs and hands started to tremble unconsciously. The same goes for Fennelis!

At that moment, the Undead Wyrm let out another roar, took a large step, and started running towards them at an unimaginable speed.

Upon seeing this, Nicolaus took a step back and uttered in disbelief.