Bronze Dragon's Scale

Chapter 134: Bronze Dragon's Scale

Meanwhile, Tabitha regained her composure and ordered.

"Take out the next item."

"Y-Yes, My Lady." Lily nodded her head and took out the next item.

Within seconds, the carriage was filled with blood and rotten smells.

Simultaneously, a half-decayed lizard-like demon's head appeared in her hand. The creature's head was around the size of a watermelon and had two strange horns on its head. Although it was a dead demon's head, Abium still felt a mysterious power appear around it.

'I smell a chaotic core's presence inside. Hmm, this demon was a Tier-3 being before it died.' Azolla's words made his heart beat faster.

"UGhh!" Lily almost vomited due to the rotten smell and hurriedly tossed the demon's head towards Abium.

On the other hand, Abium caught the head with both hands and slowly turned his gaze towards Tabitha.

Before he could even say a word, she grabbed the demon's head from Abium's hand and spoke in a hurry.