Pirate Ships

Chapter 153: Pirate Ships

Devil Sea.

It was around 11 P.M,

At that moment, a large schooner pirate ship moved towards the shoreline at an incredible speed.

"Captain, I can see the shoreline now." A muscular guy stood on the mast shouted while peeking through the spyglass with wide eyes.

"Hmm, Can you see the Magic tower? Are there any skeletons on guard?" A rough voice came from the deck.

"Yes, Captain. Like Keith told us earlier, only a few skeletons are standing on the fort wall." Gibson again peered at the shore through his wooden-colored eyes and replied.

'I don't know why the Light Church put that much bounty on her head? Who is she? Is she also a necromancer?' Multiple thoughts whirled in Gibson's head as he monitored the old magic tower from the sea.

"That will make our job easier. Gibson." Brick said with a broad smile, revealing a gold tooth. At that moment, he wore breeches, an old black cap, and a linen shirt.