Troublesome Soldiers

Chapter 183: Troublesome Soldiers

"So, what's your name again?" Roysia's words brought her back from the daze.

"Ah! Sorry for my late introductions, My Lady. I'm Fennelis, and this is my daughter Umi." Fennelis pointed her finger at Umi and responded politely.

Roysia nodded at both and stepped on the dirt road. Although a few merchant carts and adventurers were allied up ahead and started moving in groups, Fennelis and others didn't even think of joining them and started the journey on their own.

"Have you been to Keris kingdom before, Lady Roysia?" Fennelis asked as she followed Roysia and glanced at the surrounding woods cautiously.

"Nah, it's the first time for me. From the looks, I can guess you are also the same, right?" Fennelis was a bit surprised by Roysia's guess and nodded.

Meanwhile, Roysia thought of something and asked in confusion.

"Why are you here in the southern Mainland?" At first, Fennelis thought of hiding their goal but soon decided to tell everything.