Slum Borough

Chapter 203: Slum Borough

"YOU! COME HERE!" A high-pitched voice came from the front as Abium was in deep thought. Upon hearing the cold voice, Abium narrowed his eyes and noticed that the owner of that voice was a rough-looking blonde-haired man. He was around 25 years old; he had a round face and deep blue eyes.

'Heh, even though I look like a servant boy, this guy instantly noticed something odd about me. He is good.' Abium stared back at the silvered armored guard for a second and then walked closer to him, showing a nervous expression.

As he arrived before the blonde hair guard, he bowed his head and greeted him.

But to his surprise, the royal guard ignored his action and quietly looked at his palm.

No, the royal guard was looking at his spatial ring!

'Tsk, I should have hidden it inside my pocket.' He cursed inwardly and soon spoke with a respected tone.

"Why did you call me, sir?"