Three-Eyed Titan's Descendant

Chapter 250: Three-Eyed Titan's Descendant

Suddenly, Yozis took a spell scroll from his spatial ring and said with a cold smirk.

"You are not Baxter, aren't you?"

Although he was not looking in his direction, Abium still felt a dangerous sensation in his heart.

'How did he find out? Tsk,'

He stopped thinking for a moment and asked with a forced smile.

"How did you find out?"

Abium had already expected this kind of outcome. But still, he was somewhat surprised a little.

'I'm really curious now.' He stared at Yozis cautiously and got ready for any unexpected attack.

"In truth, the real Baxter would never ask me such a silly question. He will say, 'We don't have any time to waste here. Let's go'. Moreover, I already started to notice some changes in your personality during the previous gathering and became suspicious of you from the very start. So, now your reply confirmed my suspicion." Yozis snorted at him.