Divine Spell

Chapter 261: Divine Spell

"Open your wing!" Azolla shouted inside his mind. Without hesitation, Abium cast his 'War Angel's wings' spell on himself and covered his body with both crimson wings.

He could feel a strong force clashing against his wings and felt immeasurable pain through the crimson wings.

The next instant, he sensed a strong force that started to push his body backward.

'No good!'

He stumbled continuously and finally managed to block the Wind Blade spell.

A relieved sigh came out of his mouth.

He then slowly opened his crimson wings and glared at the Yozis and the Black cat, who was now standing at the place where he stood.

'I've underestimated the opponent!'

If he hadn't cast his 'War Angel's wings' spell on time, his head would have been decapitated by now.

Although his 'War Angel's wings' spell managed to block that Wind blade spell completely, there was no happiness inside his heart. Instead, his heart was filled with worry and anxiety.