Book of Mystic Cards

Chapter 309: Book of Mystic Cards

Everyone's' face went death pale.

At the same time, Azolla spoke seriously in Abium's mind,

'This is Chaos mark, and it acts like curse magic. When dying, most demons and devils use these types of spells to let their kin take revenge for them. I think this goblin placed this spell in this box to seek revenge on whoever gets the artifact hidden inside.' Abium got startled as he heard those words.

He didn't expect that a single goblin would pull this much future trouble for him.

'That means we will become the true nemesis of goblins from now on.' Abium muttered to himself and quickly shook his head.

'It doesn't matter. Even if the goblins come at me in hundreds, I can handle them independently.' Abium thought while glancing at others and smiled,

'And I don't think they will go on an adventure to any goblin plane anyway.'