
Chapter 323: Thea

25th December, Gerian Kingdom, Zistedel Empire.


It was a remote town in the northwestern part of the Gerian Kingdom and was governed by a second-tier mage named Hider. Even though it was a small town, hundreds of Holy knights and warriors were stationed there at that moment, making it a mighty stronghold.

It was early Morning.

At that moment, a messy blonde-haired warrior around 40 entered the town, showing his identity, and went towards Nobles' Street. He wore standard black armor, brown linen clothes, and old boots. His deep-set hazel eyes wandered everywhere, and his stern face looked more solemn. He had thin eyebrows, a hawk nose, and a pear-shaped face.

He didn't stop anywhere and soon arrived in front of the city lord's six-layer Magic Tower. Afterward, he went in while showing his identity card at the entrance.

Within a second, multiple harmless spells scanned his body, and soon a soulless voice asked coldly.