Meet Jessica's Parents

Jessica couldn't stop smiling looking at her hand which was in Alex's. Today they decided to meet Jessica's parents, explain the girl's situation with Rey, and ask for their blessing to be with Alex.

Jessica is afraid that if she delays it any longer, it will cause a new, more severe conflict.

Jessica also doesn't want to lie to Alex's family, because they are so good to her.

Not long after, they arrived at Jessica's family's house.

Jessica was quite confused and surprised to see several people dressed in all black guarding the gates and terraces. They are like bodyguards in dramas.

Jessica asked Alex to wait in the living room while she called her father.

Jessica's father was sitting relaxed by the pool, with Brian when Jessica met him.

"What's wrong? You seem very happy?" asked Jessica's father as soon as his daughter came and immediately clasped his arm spoiled.