Not a Happy Ending

"For the last time, Mother screamed so that Juminten felt sorry for her and kept opening the door, instead she said, if you are afraid, you should just hug Niko, that's really bad! I'm so ashamed of Niko! , because I heard footsteps walking away. There I heard Niko swear harshly. Niko immediately glanced at Mother who was standing beside him, she looked confused."

"Poor Uncle Niko, got caught in the batman trap." My comment.

"My mother immediately said dong, if Heru said Niko fainted in the warehouse, so Mom immediately ran to the warehouse to look for Niko. Then they locked Mother there. Then Niko also told me that Juminten was crazier, Juminten went home, some girls tortured Mother, then Locked my mother in the warehouse. Yes, I immediately got annoyed with Juminten and Heru, what do they mean by that? I understood in the end, if they wanted to bring us closer, they locked us both in that place."

Very childish, Paijo's mother.