Basketball practice

"Haikal!" called Dian from a distance.

Haikal turned his body so that his gaze was fixed on Dian who for some reason the more Haikal saw her, the more beautiful his eyes looked.

With wide steps Haikal drew closer to Dian who also walked towards him.

"So basketball practice?" asked Dian when they were facing each other, it was very clear from the look on Dian's face that she seemed not interested in what she had just said.

Haikal realized that.

Seeing Haikal nod briefly, Dian seemed to have let out a sluggish breath, "Then I go to the toilet—

"Why?" said Haikal, gripping Dian's wrist while looking at him with a gaze that was difficult to interpret. Yes, it's always been like this, again Dian failed in interpreting the look in Haikal's eyes, who was his lover.

Dian shook her head, "It's okay, what's wrong with me?"