Chapter 5: Royal Kingdom

I look up. Now Prince Talk-a-Lot had showed up too.

Great! Can this night get any worse! I don't even need this dagger strapped to my leg, I will just murder them all with my bare hands!

"Of course your Royal Highness." The young knight bowed respectfully and backed away.

"My lady?" The prince held out his hand. I glanced at his hand and shot him a glare, none too nicely. He leaned in closer. "I know, I'm just trying to help, that's all." He whispered. I assume Lady Syn had asked him to do this again.

I took a deep breath and took his hand.

As soon as we made it into the hall I let go of his hand and marched toward the exit. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt irritable and more people had gotten into my space more in one night than this whole year combined.

I strutted down the stony steps and came to a stop. "Do you have to follow me everywhere?" The prince stood a few steps above me. "I'm not some forsaken child that needs to be looked after every second of my life! I can protect myself!"

"I wasn't following you. I'm just heading to check on the coachmen." He leaned back, looking at me like I was insane.

"O-oh." I sighed in relief. "I'm sorry." I saw a small pavilion around the corner and made my way there to get away from everyone. I plopped myself down on the wooden bench and leaned back, taking in deep relaxing breaths.

The scent of the cold night air and the flowers that came wafting from the cool breeze was calming, cooling this rage that burned within me. Up in the sky, the stars glistened and danced. Oh how I wish I would be amongst them, they seem so peaceful, so far away from all this nonsense.

As I gaze up at those stars so very far away, I felt – so alone. Like I was lost and I couldn't find my way home.

I felt someone grasp my shoulder. Before I realized anything, I had flipped the person over my shoulder, balled my fist and wind it back.

"Whoa, whoa whoa! It's me! It's ME!"

"Lady Syn?" Relieved, I let out a long breath, calming my racing heart. "You know better than to do that."

"Oh, my back." She groaned in pain, arching her back and rubbing it lightly.

"You got lucky I was sitting, so it wasn't that far of a throw my lady." I helped her to her feet. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to look for you." She rubbed her buttocks. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes!" I sighed in relief. "Finally! Let's go!" I quickly hopped to my feet and advanced toward the awaiting carriage.

"Oh." She groaned again, rubbing her butt and limped after me.

"I didn't throw you that hard. You are not getting out of training tomorrow, my lady."

"Hmph." She pouted and strutted to the carriage just fine. "Let's go home Bernard." She said to the coachman, and hopped in the carriage.

"Yes, my lady." The knights hopped onto their horses and we promptly left.

I slouched in my seat and hung my arm out the window, exhausted from tonight's events.

"Are you alright Char?"

"I've never been so exhausted in my life." I exhaled loudly and slouched deep into my seat.

"Really? You? The one who can carry buckets and buckets of water up and down the hill? The one who can train endlessly with the knights and even tire them out? You? HA!" Scoffing, she folded her arms across her chest and glared at me in disbelief as she pressed her back against the seat.

"You know how hard it was to have to put up with your shenanigans? All those knights and people just suck the energy right out of me." I waved my hands irritatingly through the air. "Not to mention the hoo-" I stopped, as I didn't want to alarm her. "hooligan of a prince! UGH! I'm exhausted, okay?" I buried my face in my hands.

"Alright, alright." She raised her hands in defeat and stared out the window.

"Did you enjoy the ball, my lady?"

A satisfied smile appeared on her face. "Yes. Yes, I did."

"Well, I'm glad someone enjoyed themself." I chuckled when I noticed her cheeks turning pink.

"You know, if you weren't so uptight, you probably would've enjoyed it too. Think about it, that was the first time you've dressed like that and the first time anyone has probably ever treated you like a lady. Didn't it feel nice to be looked at like that?"

It did feel kind of nice, but yet it felt weird and uncomfortable. "No! I hate being treated like a pathetic child who had to be followed everywhere."

Lady Syn just laughed and shook her head. "Of course you would say that."

"So? Did the prince propose? Did you fall magically in love like the books you forced me to read to you?"

"No, my parents are staying to talk about the proposal tomorrow. And no, I didn't magically fall in love like in the books." She laughed, rolling her eyes and slumped back into her seat.

"So you don't want to marry the prince anymore?"

"I still do, but I've come to a decision that love doesn't happen overnight. I mean, I do like him, and I think he's sweet and handsome and strong –" She trailed off, her face turning a bright shade of crimson.

"It already sounds like you're in love." I laughed, mocking her.

"No!" She denied. "It's just what I see so far. Who knows, what if he has a bad temper?"

"Mhm." I snickered, but she just ignored me and was lost in thought once more.

"I would like to see you married to someone one day." She said out of the blue, earning a raised brow from me.

"I already told you that I-"

"I know, I know – What? A friend can't wish to see you happily married and start a family?"

"Nope! Not for me! Just wipe that thought out of your head right now. It's not going to happen. In fact it's never going to happen."

"Still, wouldn't it be nice for us to have kids that can grow up together and be friends like us?"

The thought was intriguing, but – "No. I just want to be the best and coolest aunt who will teach them to fight and be mischievous."

"Fine." She exhaled and leaned her head against the carriage wall.

The earth shook with rushing, thundering footsteps. I reached for the dagger under my dress.

"Get down!" I yelled at Lady Syn, but it was too late. Whatever it was, impacted the side of the carriage with a loud crack, sending us flying through the air. I could see fear in Lady Syn's eyes as she stared at me. The carriage hit the ground hard, and broke off chunks here and there as it rolled, tumbling us along with it.

Battle cries and slashes of swords and clinking armor resonated through the air.

"My Lady!" I pushed myself off the floor of the carriage – or what used to be the roof. Lady Syn was unconscious, lying on the floor, blood running down her face, cuts and abrasions on her arms and legs. "Lady Syn!" I shook her, but there was no response – not even a groan of retaliation. I lifted her in my arms and kicked the carriage door open.

The knights were still in battle with five giant Trolls, wielding clubs. I carried Lady Syn and ran into the tall dry grass, I had to get her somewhere safe.

The sound of something sharp pierced through the air. I barely dodged the dagger that flew right in front of my face, cutting off a few strands of my hair. I slid onto my knees and dropped Lady Syn as we tumbled to the ground. I drew my dagger and stood up.

Oh, how I wish I should've brought my sword.

I glanced around the tall grass and waited for something to come out, but there was only the faint sound of the wind blowing, rustling through the grass.

A presence behind me caused me to swing my dagger back. A dark hooded figure blocked my dagger with a dagger of his own and sent a hard kick to my stomach, sending me flying through the grass.

Lady Syn!

I ran back as fast as I could.

A dagger approached from the side of my face, I parried it and swung mine toward the hooded person. I raised my leg to kick him, but instead I fell to the ground and landed on my back.

Damn restrictive dress.

He sent a fist hurling down toward me and I rolled out of the way.

I ripped up the side of the dress to allow for better movement. He grabbed his daggers and rushed me. Sparks flew through the tall dry grass as we fought, our weapons clashing, sending sounds like flashes of lightening ringing through the land.

I saw an opening and went to kick him in the chest as hard as I could.

He fell and slid back, but he was agile in his movements as he flipped right back up to his feet and advanced. The fight had flattened the grass around us, allowing me to see the surrounding area clearly under the moonlight.

He sprinted at lightning speed toward me, but dodged me at the last second heading straight for Lady Syn, who was still unconscious on the ground.

I ran after him and threw my dagger in desperation. My grin grew as it found its mark on his side. He flipped around and threw his daggers at me in retaliation. I dodged one, but the other one planted itself into my leg. I knew I shouldn't have, but I pulled it out, blood pouring down my leg. I was desperate, I had to protect Lady Syn.

I charged at him and fought tirelessly with all my strength.

Bleeding profusely, I was getting lightheaded as I tried hard to stay awake. My vision started to go in and out in the middle of the fight.

NO! I must protect Lady Syn!

I took a hard kick to the side of my head and my vision went dark. I heard the rustling of the grass, and approaching footsteps. There were soft faint voices that I couldn't quite understand.

"– Royal – Kingdom –" Was all I could make out.