Chapter 12: Never Alone

After finishing all my work. I neatly placed everything on his desk so he could review them.

Opening the door as quietly as I could, I instructed the nearest maid to bring me a blanket.

While draping the blanket over his tired body, I noticed his blood red hair was longer than when I first met him at the Royal ball. I moved my hand to brush them out of his face and noticed that his lashes were long and beautiful.

A weird flutter in my heart broke me from the trance.

'He was probably up early and was exhausted. I should let him sleep.' I left and gently closed the door behind me.

After roaming around town and checking on everything, I returned to my bed chambers and slumped into the chair by the fireplace. The kingdom was so vast and there was so much to do.

"Should I bring you dinner in your chambers, Your Highness?"

"Yes, please. Oh! Could you also have head butler Vilo summon the merchant tomorrow?"

"Yes Your Highness."