Chapter 14: No More

A warm wet touch on my face woke me up. I looked around the room with my tired eyes. A maid I didn't know was wiping my face.

"M-My Queen!" She quickly jumped up and ran to the door.

'Queen? The Queen is here?'

"The Queen is awake!" She yelled out the door before promptly shutting it again.

'Crap. I forgot I was still in this hellhole.' My muscles were sore, but I rolled over and tried to sit up.

"My Queen!" She came running back to assist me. "You shouldn't be getting up yet."

"I'm fine." I leaned against the backboard. "Why are you calling me Queen?"

"While you were unconscious, King Reago and Queen Lilla passed away."

"Wait...what? How long have I been unconscious?"

"A month My Queen."

'A month! What the hell happened that I was unconscious for a whole month!?'

"Wait...who are you?"

"M-my name is Sarey Adin. I am your personal maid, My Queen. Are you alright?"