Chapter 38: I'm a Human Being

I looked over the details of his face. His skin was flawless, and perfectly symmetrical, not a single thing was out of place and all were perfectly proportioned. My eyes fell upon his voluptuous, full, pink lips. I watched as they slightly parted and he led out a light breath with a sweet aroma of red wine and ale. I inhaled his breath and my eyes rolled back.

'God, I must be getting drunk off his breath.' This yearning sensation in my lower abdomen burned pleasurably. I opened my eyes and gazed upon his lips again, wanting to taste them. I licked my lips and swallowed to wet my parched throat.

Another breath and my eyes rolled back in full arousal. The sensation slowly retreated and I opened my eyes, locking with his eyes that amusingly watched me get turned on, just by the smell of his breath.

'Oh god.'