Chapter 51: Bloody Nose

After lunch I strolled through town and to the outskirts, taking in the view of the colorful leaves that flew through the air. Long walks always brought peace to my mind.

I felt a sudden presence behind me causing the hair on the back of my neck to erect. My heart raced with fear and my white knuckled fists flew back, swinging my body around only to get my wrists captured and bound tightly.

"Damn you!" I sighed breathlessly relieved.

"You are always trying to hurt me." Renaud kissed my wrists and pulled me in, placing them over his shoulder. "Thank goodness for my quick reflexes or you would've been in big trouble…My Queen."

The way he hissed his seductive words could almost bring me into the heightened state of climax. He grinned suggestively and gently nuzzled my nose, making me draw a quick breath into my lungs.

A man cleared his throat a little ways from us and snapped me out of my drunken state.