Chapter 57: Eknoro

"Mmm." I smiled. "Good-morning to you too." I slowly turned onto my back. I opened my eyes to look at him, only to immediately shut them and arch my back from him engulfing my breast into his mouth. Exhilaration flew through me like a tsunami when his fingers entered me.

This was the best wake up I have ever had. The cold winter air entered through the window and perked my nipples even more than usual. He took them into his warm mouth and warmed them tenderly.

"Go get dressed." He whispered and pecked my neck up to my eyelids. "I want to take you out of the castle today."

"Really?" I basically leapt for joy.

He laughed adorably and leaned over to kiss my forehead. "Yes, really." He whispered.

I jumped out of bed and realized he was already dressed and ready to go.

"When you are ready, come find me in my study. I have to finish a few things before we go."