Chapter 67: Assassin Clan

"Well, you don't need to worry about me. I'm not going to run away or scream at the sight of you." My voice was soft and gentle so as not to scare him away. I widened my steps to walk next to him. "Just don't get into my personal space like that again. And I'm sorry if I offended you at the hot spring. I'm not used to how you all do things here at the village. Where I'm from we don't see other people naked. It's a very intimate thing between couples only."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you. I was just so angry. People always lie to me and then talk behind my back. Syn was the one who suggested that I keep a hood on. And ever since I did so, no one looked at me weird or talked behind my back anymore."

"Is that why you are always with her?"

"She was scared when she first saw me too, but she's the only one to still treat me like a normal person after seeing me."

"If you don't mind…may I ask how you got that scar?"