Chapter 84: It Begins

"Really?" I quickly turned and tried to twist my head around as if I were an owl. His breath hitched and his face turned raspberry red. He quickly turned his gaze away and went to stow the ointment away. Puzzled by his reaction, I forgot that my shirt was ripped and my breast had popped out. I gasped and pressed the blanket against my chest, My blood rushed to my cheeks and in a moment's notice, they were ablazed.

Crouching down. He rummaged through the chest and pulled out a shirt. Without turning around, he backed up until his legs hit the bed and handed the shirt to me. "H-here."

I smirked, and stifled a laugh. I've never seen him so flustered before, it was kind of adorable, and, oddly, I felt a little flattered.

"Thank you." I took the shirt from him and slipped it on. "I'm decent." I murmured, but he still didn't turn around. "Can you draw me a picture of what my birthmark looks like? I never even knew I had one."