Chapter 3

***Clark pov***

I was in the fortress, checking on the survivors of the plane crash, when all of a sudden, I felt an urgent need to sleep, and before I could go to bed, I felt myself passing out.

Before long, I had found myself facing Al the angel from before, still looking like Christopher Lloyd.

I was confused and had to ask, "what is this? Why did you pull me from the middle of the job?"

The angel just smiled and said, "relax, you will return to the same exact moment that you left, to anyone else it will appear as if no time had passed."

I narrow my eyes at him but relent and say, "alright, what was so important that you just had to call me up here, I thought that once I left, I couldn't be returned here unless I died?"

He nosed his head and said, "normally yes, that is the case, but… we had encountered some problems regarding your wishes, and wanted to talk to you about them…"

"What kind of problems?"

"Well for starters, your wish that only Lois lane would have the power to defeat you if you go rogue, while you already wished to be immune to all the types of kryptonite, so you won't be manipulated… she could still be manipulated to defeat you, so the archangels had decided that if we see that you had gone rogue, heaven will interfere by itself in order to save the world.

And secondly, I kind of already used it to give you some minimal control of your Kryptonians powers, if you were wondering how is it that you had great control over them already, but you still have to practice more control by yourself."

I farrow my brows in contemplation, Al was making sense, in that world, corruption, and manipulation rule supreme, so if Vought would perceive me as a threat, they could manipulate the only thing that has the power to defeat me.

And I was remembering Butcher complaining about me almost crushing his hand when I first shook it, I don't even want to think about what would've happened if I didn't have that minimal control.

I look at him and say, "ok, I see your point. That is a much better alternative than what I had in mind."

Al gives me his big old smile and says, "excellent! Now since heaven had changed one wish for you, we will give you two more instead, choose wisely."

I take a few minutes to think about it, right now I was working to develop power dampening cuffs, but in this life, I was a milled-mannered reporter, not a tech billionaire. Then an idea pops to my head and I say, "I wish to have Batman with me in that universe, his help will be unmeasured, and I want him to already be up to speed on anything that's going on, it will save a lot of time."

"Smart, which version of him do you want there with you?"

"Christian Bale, from the Dark Knight trilogy."

"Alright and your second wish?"

I take another moment to think about it, then remembering the sexual predator version of Aquaman in the universe I was now in, I remembered also wanting him to be humbled by the real deal, so I then said, "I wish to also have Aquaman and Mera join us in this universe, I want the Jason Momoa's version of Aquaman, while Mera I want to be Elena Satine from the Smallville tv show and give Arthur the trident of Poseidon from the movie.

Al writes it down and says, "great, now it is all done! I leave you to it. Have fun." And he sends me back to earth.

I wake up, I catch myself before falling. I stand up and look around to see that indeed, no time had passed. Now all I have left to do is check if Bruce Wayne A.K.A, The Batman had come here, and of course the other members I had asked for.

I set my drones to alert me of any changes that happens with the survivors, although they seemed to have stabilized for now.

I fly out of the fortress with great speed, and I head towards the outskirts of New York, then after scanning the area, I find Wayne manor, with Michael Caine Alfred in the front, tending to the shrubbery.

I land slowly and he sees me, smiles, and says, "uh, master Kent, Master Wayne had told me to expect you."

"it's good to see you, Alfred," I say and contain my inner geek from having a nerdgasm, I mean I still need to pretend that I know him, even if he does not know me.

"it is good to see you as well." He replied in his cockney accent, "if you are looking for master Wayne, I believe you will find him in the usual place."

I thank him and make my way inside the manor towards the Batcave. There I find him, his cowl off but he is in his bat suit, he doesn't turn to look at me and says, "I am already informed of the situation, what do you have on your end?"

I smile, typical batman fashion, I then answer. "I had already devised the development of power dampening cuffs, but the problem is I need to find a way to distribute them, and that is where you come in."

"you need me to set up Wayne industry in this reality so that we could more easily distribute them to the police and military, especially with the bill of putting powered individuals in the armed forces about to most likely get through the floor."

Shit, I forgot about that part.

"Yes, but also, so that we can stop any supe without resorting to killing them if possible."

Bruce nods his head at that in agreement, then he turns to me and says, "tell me about Butcher, do you think we can work with him?"

"Honestly, he has more experience with either of us in regards to dealing with supes of this world, I think it will benefit us all greatly if you two were to get together, but that is for a later date, you have your duty, while he has his."

Bruce nods his head and said, "agreed, well if anything new pops up let me know, ok?"

"Ok Bruce, and thanks, I'll leave you to it." I then make my way out of the Batcave and change to my secret identity attire.

I take a little walk through the park, I buy a hot dog from a vendor, then I decide to sit down and eat it, when all of a sudden my senses pick up someone approaching me, I just keep acting like I don't notice them and eat it.

It takes a few moments for the person to come and sit next to me, I then hear that person starts to cry. At that point, i turn my head and see Starlight on my left.

Fuck, starlight from the seven is here! I think to myself, then I remember, since I had saved Robin from A-train, this meant that Hughie wasn't there for Starlight to help her change to the side of good.

Well, since I am going to Vought and play Hughie's part with a little difference, then I guess it is up to me.

I wipe my mouth, then turn towards her, "I'm sorry miss, but is everything alright? Oh, I don't mean to bother…"

She wipes her tears and takes a breath through her nose and says, "oh it's nothing, thank you for your concern though, I was just having a bad two days."

I stay quiet for a couple of moments, then I say, "you know, when I have a bad day, I find it best to talk about it with a family member."

She just looks at the space Infront of us and said, "I was trying to talk to my mom about this, but unfortunately, she is not a very good listener."

"Well… if you want, you can talk to me about it, I promise I won't judge you or anything."

She seems to contemplate the idea then says, "alright.., you know how you have this… image of yourself?..."

Then we had talked, she explained what was going on and then said, "and the thing is, I'm supposed to meet him every day, and I honestly can't even stand looking at his face."

I look at her and ask, "listen, do you like your job?"

"oh yes, it's the only thing I ever wanted."

"is it a good job? Like your not selling kids smack?" I winced a little at myself.

"no it's a great job, I can help a lot of people."

"so there you go, and the next time you see him you just let him know that you are not his plaything and that if he knows what's good for him, he better stops."

she looks at me, smiles, and says, "thank you, that had helped actually."

I smile and say, "no problem."

She extends her hand at me and says, "by the way, I'm Annie."

"I take her hand and gently shake while saying, "I'm Clark, it's nice to meet you, Annie."

Later I get to my fortress and I see Aquaman and Mera waiting for me at the entrance to the fortress.

I say, "Arthur, so good to see you."

"Kal, you better explain what's going on here…"

So I let both of them know what was going on, and when I finish both Arthur and Mera are shocked and furious at the supes of this world.

He slams his trident to the ground, and I then tell him, "Well, if you are interested, one of their supes, who by the way supposed to be you of this reality will be at the harbor tonight. He will be there with translucent, also a pervert, so Show them the wrath of the king of the seas."

He grinned at that and said, "will do." Then he turns towards Mera and says, "come my queen, let's humble this imposter and teach him a lesson."

Well… I'd hate to be the deep and translucent right now…I think to myself as I get ready to sleep, tomorrow is a big day.

***Aquaman pov- docks-Night time***

Mera and I were under the belly of one of the ships, I could hear under the water the pretender speaks, "Oh, wow. What a surprise. A water crime. Fuck me running. I swear to God, they only call me when there is trouble at a dock,. Or a river or a lake, canal. A jetty. Fucking Idiots, I could be doing so much more. But no, Vought just wants me to make my big pretty dives into the water and flash my fucking biceps for Instagram. I mean, sure, four million hits a day, but still, it's fucking demeaning."

And then the pretender kept bitching about how the compony kept giving him lower-level situations, if he complains about it, he definitely does not deserve it, but this world is rotten to the core, it's time to change that.

His partner translucent chimed in the conversation, sharing that he bitches way too much and that his issue with the shitheads that downloaded his movie Piretly, then he gave Translucent the plan and he dove to the water while Mera and I kept hiding, biding our time till it's right.

We heard them defeat the criminals, then just when the camera crew came to them and it seemed the pretender was celebrating, I turned to my queen and said, "now." Then, using the trident, I started commanding the tides and felt myself being pulled with it. Soon, my head is exiting the sea, and I see the pretender lift his head and look at me wide-eyed, along with the rest of the camera and P.R crew.

I shout, "Deep! I Aquaman, king of Atlantis, puts you on trial for your crimes!" the pretender looked at his crew and asked, "what the fuck? This wasn't in the script!" I see them slowly backing away, when they had backed away enough, I let go of the tide and let it wash away at the pretender, and Mera goes to deal with his partner, while I grab one of the fishing tridents they had there and toss it towards him.

I go to him, slam my trident to the ground and say, "I hereby challenge you to a trial by combat!" I then change my posture to have my trident at his throat. Of course, he is freaked out and does not know what to do. "Wow, wow! Christ man! Relax man, you are taking this way too-" I don't let him finish as I hit him with the blunt of my trident in his gut. He of course doubles over, gasping for air, I then say, your choice. Either face me in combat like a man, or die like the coward you are."

After saying that, I see him clenching his fists clench and he says, "fuck you!" then before he even notices, he takes the trident, and gives a weak attempt at hitting me with it, clearly, he has no idea how to fight in armed combat, let alone with someone who can keep up with him if it was unarmed.

I quickly disarmed him, then, I started spinning my trident around so fast, the water particles began forming a shield around me just like how Vulko had taught me, then I put my trident at his throat and say to him, "well then by bloodshed, do the gods make known their will!" I am about to thrust when I get hit in the face and stumble back.

I shake my head and see that Infront of me now stand their fake Amazon, the one known as Maeve, I look at Mera and see that she had lost concentration and that the invisible guy had now escaped his bonds.

Both the pretender and the invisible pervert stand behind her and I say to her, "stand aside! My quarrel is not with you!"

"Sorry, not going to happen, you, see? If you kill one of my teammates… well... that does not look good for me..., is it?"

I hear up above the sky the sound of thunder, and when I look up, I see that wretched Homelander.

Not wanting to risk myself and Mera, I call out, "deep! This is not the last you had heard of me! Beware the water, for now, all the rage of Atlantis will come at you! So says, the king of the seas!" I then call on the waves to collect both Mera and myself back to the ocean.

***Clark pov- next day***

I had woken up and gotten out of bed, after getting ready, I had turned on the tv and I was smirking at what I saw.

Every news channel was talking about the fight Aquaman had against the deep, they showed short clips of the fight, but I could tell that was because they didn't want to show Arthur beating the hell out of the deep, and Mera restraining Translucent, eventually, Homelander and Maeve had to step in.

Of course, I had already known all that, since Arthur had told me everything once they came back to the Fortress.

But now I was going to Vought, I take the bug Frenchie had given me, I get close to my leg, and let the nano suit absorb it into it, then I call M.M, and let him know the plan is a go.

I open my window and fly out of it towards Vought tower, it doesn't take me long to reach it.

I slowly land Infront of the tower, my red cape fluttering behind me, all the while people starts taking pictures of me.

When my feet touch the ground, I start walking towards the tower, coming towards me I see Ashley, she smiles at me and said, "Superman, I am so glad you decided to join us at Vought-" I quickly cut her off by raising my hand and say, "I didn't say I was joining, all I said was that I was interested in seeing what you guys had to offer me here in Vought."

She starts to say, "Y-yes of course, but we can talk about it inside can we? So if you'll just follow me…" she then turned around and then started walking towards the tower.

Since I came in my hero suit, I had skipped security check, and went with Ashley to the elevators, all the while she gave me the regular bullshit on Vought, and all the potential benefits I will receive once I sign in with them.

Yeah right, like I'm actually going to sign with you. I thought to myself, all the while keeping my face neutral. The tour and on the hall of the seven, I have to admit, watching it through the screen is one thing.

Actually being here is another.

I look around in awe as I see this monument, as much as I am loathed to admit it, the seven sure have a nice headquarters.

"Amazing, isn't it? If you play your cards right, you might end up as a member of the seven one day, depending on your approval rates of course."

And with that, I am brought back to reality. I look at Ashly with a smile and ask, "say… do you mind letting me stay here for a minute or two by myself? Just so I can get a good feel for the place."

She grimes at that and says, "well… I'm not supposed to leave you here alone…"

I act offended, "oh come on… it's just for a few minutes… plus I'll be taking to account the little trust you give me…" I try and coax her to leave, and it seems to be working, as she makes a face and says, "oh what the hell, I guess five minutes on your own won't hurt." She says and then leaves the room and closes the doors behind her.

As soon as she leaves, I take my chance, first, I scan the room to make sure translucent isn't actually there. When I see that the room is empty except for security cameras, I start walking closer the Sevan's table, I sit on the Deep's seat and reach my hand out to my thigh, the nano suit opens up, reviling the bug that was hidden inside of it.

I unwrap the plastic and stick it under the table, all the while making it look like I'm just scratching. Then my super-hearing picks up the sound of someone approaching, so I start to get up, and make it look like I'm was just getting a feel for the place.

Soon enough the doors open up and in walks Ashly, with Stilwell and Homelander.

'fuck! why was he here? Did he see what I was doing?' I can't help but think to myself as I keep my facial expression impassive, Homelander sees me and says, "hi there, you must be the famous superman I've been hearing so much about as of late."

A.N hey there everyone, hope you all liked the chapter.

Iso to tackle a few things. I noticed a lot of you said in the comments section how stupid it was to make Lois Lane the fail-safe for this superman, on the grounds that she could easily be manipulated to be used against him, so instead of rewriting it to fit the story, I had It be made by heaven, but then when I wrote it, I thought to myself that this could be a great opportunity to add some characters from DC to the story.

I always wanted the Christian Bale Batman in this, but I initially thought about having superman ask for Krypto from Titans to get there, but then, when rewatching the show, I remembered how much of a scum the deep really was, so I decided to send the king of the seas to humble him. Without spoiling anything, this could result in a much different deep than the one we know from the show.

And as for translucent being present when the water crime was committed, instead of starlight, remember, at this point, the timeline had changed, certain key moments were excelled, and others were delayed, so I acted accordingly.

As for Mera to be played by the Smallville actress rather than Amber Hard, well… after what she did to Johnny Depp I figured she wasn't deserving of a place in my fic.

So let me know what you guys think in the comments, is there anything you want me to change or rewrite. And remember you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!