Chapter 6

***The Deep pov***

I blinked at what the Dr had said, it took my brain a moment to register what had been said, then it all came back to me, the conversation with Homelander and Stilwell, the injection, the agonizing pain, and then…

I turn to the Dr and asked, "So what does it mean for me now?"

"Well, it seemed like you now have some hydro kinesis, although to what extent, we don't yet know, and then there is the boost to your already existent powers to account to, we will need to conduct a test to see what you are capable of, as soon as you are cleared to it medically speaking."

There was something in the way he spoke that had robbed me the wrong way, but then again, it's not like I could talk, so I just said, "ok Doc, if it's alright with you, I would like to get back to sleep, my head is pounding me like a motherfucker."

He scribbled something on his clipboard, then smiled at me and said, "no problem, I'll have the nurses get you some water, along with something for your head if the water alone won't help."

"Thank you." I say as I feel myself slowly being dragged back to sleep.

***Clark pov***

As we walked through the fortress corridor, I noticed that everyone was shocked at what they saw, I turn My head slightly and saw Ryan looking around with eyes wide and mouth agape in the wonder of the place, this brought a smile to my face.

We then had gotten to the main area of the fortress and were greeted by a hologram of my father Jor-El.

Butcher had jumped a little at first seeing him, then the hologram greeted, "welcome back my son, I see you have brought visitors with you."

"I did, father these are Rebecca and William Butcher, and her son Ryan."

He nodded at them and said, "welcome, I am Jor-El, Kal's father, well… at least his shadow." Then he had stopped for a second and said, "I had ordered the drones to set up rooms for your stay here, I hope it will all be for your liking." And with that, the hologram had turned off.

Then I looked at them, and all of them were sporting different kinds of shocked expressions on their faces.

Then Becca had asked, "so… your real name is Kal?" well, at least that broke the silence.

I nodded my head and said, "yes, I am Kal-El, last son of Krypton."

And then Butcher asked, "why did your father have the same 'S' on his chest as you do?"

I smiled and said, "it is not an 'S', it is my house's sigil, the house of El, it also stands for Hope in my world."

I then start getting closer to them and say, "and that, is why I am here, to help make this world a better place, free of corruption, and out of the clutches of Vought."

I see Becca relax a little and I tell her, "And this place is so remote and shielded, Homelander has no chance of finding it, so you are safe."

"Thank you," she says to me, "you have no idea how much it means to me, to us." She says the last part while looking at Butcher.

"It's no problem, whatever I can do to help." Then I had looked at Ryan and said, "and if your mom is ok with it, I can help you learn to control your abilities as well." I smile at his expression, and he turned to his mother and asked, "can I mom?"

She is not too thrilled about this and says, "how about Mommy will think about this and let you know tomorrow?"

His shoulders slump a little bit at that, but he replants and says, "ok mom." And then I say to him, "well, how about you'll get settled in, It has been quite the eventful night, and you'll all going to need your energy for tomorrow."

They all nodded, and I say, "Kelex, please show our new guests to their quarters."

One of the drones appeared, making them all jump a little, and I say to them, "oh don't worry, this is Kelex, my A. I that helps me run this place."

The drone gives a little wave and says, "it is nice to make your acquaintance."

This is a bit too much for Rebecca who finally had enough and proceeds to simply faint, good thing Billy was there to catch her, and then, with the help of Ryan, proceeds to take her to their new room.

I look at the computer panel and say, "computer, set up the med wing for young Ryan first thing in the morning, I'd like to start mapping his genes to get a better handle of his powers so that we could train him as best we could."

"Understood sir." The mechanical voice of Kelex answers. I leave the main room and go to the training room, I start it and several humanoid targets start to appear, I had postponed it long enough, but now I am starting to try and control my heat vision.

I can feel my eyes getting hotter and the veins on the side of my head getting hotter as well, and then two beams of intense heat soot out of my eyes and towards the target.

I noticed the carnage I leave after that, and I am thankful I had the sense of not using it so far, I take a little breath and shoot my heat vision again, only this time, I try and focus on not releasing too much solar energy.

***Billy Butcher pov***

After carrying Becca to our bed, I noticed that the drone had led Ryan to the room Infront of us, he looked at me and said hesitantly, "goodnight… Billy."

I give him a small smile, and say, "Goodnight son." And then the doors to both our rooms are closed shut.

I see the beds we are about to sleep on, and they look weird at first, but as soon as I put Becca, I can feel the material and it is quite comfy. I look at myself, and then I just take my jacket off, let it fall to the floor, and I climb up to bed to be next to my wife.

As I'm laying there hugging her, I am reminded of her and Homelander's son, and then on Superman's offer, if he can train him to control himself, maybe this boy won't turn out to be like his biological father, and maybe if he had someone like superman and myself to look out for him, that would make sure he'd stay that way.

I soon let those thoughts drift away as sleep takes an iron grip on me, and soon I am in a deep sleep.

***Clark Pov***

I had spent the night in the fortress, and the next morning I get a call from Arthur, he explain that he had gotten my message about The Deep and that he and his people will be ready for it.

"alright Arthur, just let me know- hold up, did you say your people?"

"yes, well.. as it turns out, a few of my city's inhabitance had come here with us, some of them had found themselves in different parts of the globe, so like us, all of them had made their way here, where our city is in our previous world."

I then ask, "how many of them had come, Arthur?"

"Around 400 and rising." He says, and then I am reminded that he had started to make a new Atlantis in this universe, and even though I didn't question him on that at first, I was wondering what his plans were, but now I understood. As King of Atlantis, he had a duty to make sure his people were safe, especially in this place.

So, I then say to him, "Alright Arthur, let me know what's going on." I say as I hang up the conversation. I mean I should have expected this, I wished for Batman, and he appeared along with Alfred, it only made some sense that Aquaman and Mera would appear with some of the citizens of Atlantis.

I am brought out of my thoughts as Kelex lets me know that the Butchers had woken up and are now waiting for me in the main room.

I quickly suit up and start making my way to where they are waiting.

I greet them good morning as soon as I see them, and then say, "hope you all had a goodnight's sleep."

Butcher answers, "it was kind of weird at first, but it was very well, knocked right out."

Becca then said, "I wouldn't know, after we saw your… drone yesterday, everything is kind of a blank."

She then looks at her husband, who nodded and she said, "Billy and I had talked about your offer this morning, he seems to think that you are Ryan's best chance at learning how to control his powers, not to mention that he won't turn out like his… father." She said the last part with audible and visible disdain.

And then she continued, "so… if the offer is still on the table, I would be glad for you to help my son."

The boy's eyes widen as a big smile spread on his face, he ran up to her while exclaiming, "thank you mom! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" he finished as he gave her a big hug, acting like a kid who got the best gift to his birthday.

She returned the hug and said, "you're welcome honey, but listen…" then she crouched down, looked into his eyes, and said, "you have to promise me that you are going to anything Mr. Superman tells you to do as long as you can do it alright? If you don't then you let Me or Mr. Superman Know and we'll either figure something out or call this off, ok kiddo?"

"ok mom." Ryan says as he gives her a hug, and then he turns towards me, I give him a gentle smile while reaching my palm for him to take, and when I say, "come along Ryan, let's get started." He takes my hand as all four of us are making our way to the med wing.

***Bruce Wayne pov***

I was at my office in the new building I had just bought with the money from our new contract with the police and military, I see workers putting the big neon sign of 'Wayne industries' outside of my window.

I had used some of the knowledge from my previous world to make technology that doesn't exist here, and so far, we have been reaping the benefits, it still wasn't the multibillion corporation that it was in the old earth, but it was getting there.

Then my landline was ringing, I answered the phone and it was my new secretary that said, "Mr. Wayne, a Mr. Edgar is on the line for you."

'oh, now we are getting somewhere.' I thought to myself, as I pressed the button and said, "put him through Sharon." And soon enough I heard the line change and I immediately said, "And what can I do for you? Mr. Stan Edgar?"

"well hello Mr. Wayne, I see introductions on my part are unnecessary, so let me cut right to the reason of why I called, how would you feel about selling your company to Vought, I promise you would be well compensated."

'smart.' I think to myself, 'getting rid of the competition while gaining its secrets.'

"I am sorry Mr. Edgar, but I don't think it would be beneficial for me in the long run, you see? With Vought's current stuck value on the drop, and mine is on the rise, it would stand to reason for me not to sell it to Vought, if at all."

"Mr. Wayne, I would suggest for you not to be rash about this…" he tied to warn/threaten me, but then I said, "Oh, believe me, I am not that of a rash person, now, if you don't mind, I have a company to run, and you have one to drown with."

And with that I just hang up the call, after learning everything that Vought had done, there was something satisfying about declining their offer, and hanging up like that.

I then make my way to the window, and I watch the city, all the while planning my next moves in my head, then I say, "I think the Batman will show himself soon enough."

***Clark Pov***

We were now at the labs, looking at Ryan's D.N.A structure, earlier we had taken a sample of it in the med wing.

So far it looked human, with a few differences, but that would be obvious considering he was born with powers, in the show, he only showed the ability of heat vision, but I suspect that if we treat him hard enough, he will unlock more abilities, but hopefully, not in the way Vought had treated his father, no wonder he became such a psychopath and a sociopath.

"Well, I think I know what to do with him."

"You do?" his mother asked, concern evident in her voice.

I smile and say, "yes, but don't worry, I will not torture your son to make him stronger."

I then point to where in the D.N.A is now something that shouldn't be there on a baseline human, and say, "you see this? I suspect this is the compound V that is ingrained in his D.N.A, theoretically, it has the potential to help him unluck certain powers, under certain situations."

I then turn to her and say, "let me guess, he unlocked his heat vision when he was under pressure?"

She looks at me weirdly and asks, "Heat-vision?" I kick myself mentally at that and correct myself by saying, "Laser eyes." A look of understanding is now on her face, and then she says, "Actually, when I was pregnant with him, he seemed to already poses that ability, Dr. Vogelbaum had suspected that it was triggered due to the pressure I had felt after finding out I was pregnant."

'As good an explanation as any I guess.' I thought to myself as I now looked at the boy who looked at me, and I asked, him, "Ryan…buddy… do you know who your father is?" that question had shocked everyone in the room, Rebecca had sent me death glares, but I didn't let that stop me, as I looked at the boy, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat and said, "no… not really… mom doesn't talk about him much, the only thing she said about him was…" he stops looks at his mom, who at this point had tears threatening to pour out of her eyes, but she sniffed a little before nodding her head, and the boy then continued, "that he was not with us, that we were better off without him."

He finished, and I exhaled through my nose, I understood the need of wanting to protect your children from monsters, I truly did, but in this situation, it wasn't the best choice.

So I straightened up, and said, "there is something you must know about him, buddy." I then turn to the panel, and put up a hologram of Homelander, he is posing as a big hero, Ryan seeing this, gets up, from his seat and walks closer to it, and then I explain, "He is known as Homelander, and while he way look like the good guy, unfortunately, he is not."

The boy looks away from the hologram, and at me while saying, "but he looks like you."

And with as gently of a voice as I can muster I say, "well, that might be the case, but just because he may act like it, doesn't mean he is that way, do you understand what I'm trying to get at?"

The boy furrows his brows and says, "I… think so…"

"I don't think you do." Rebecca interjected, and then she came close to her son and said, "you see? What Mr. Superman is trying to say is that while that man is your father, we want to make sure you wouldn't turn out like him, but at the same time, he wants to train you so that when you'll meet him one day, you would be able to resist him, now do you understand honey?"

He slowly nods his head and says, "yes mom." She gives him a hug, and he then turns towards me and I tell him, "ok Ryan, now before we start, I have something for you." I then pull out a silvery ball that has a diamond shield on it with the 'S' in the middle of it.

He takes it and then gives me a questioning look, which causes me to laugh a little and I say, "press on the symbol with your thumb, trust me." And so he did, and soon enough the ball had melted away and was now replaced with nanobots that were now swarming his body.

The boy called out in slight panic, "Mom!" but before Rebecca could do anything, I raised my hand and said, "don't worry, it'll be over soon." Before they could question me about my statement, the nanobots had settled down and were now forming a bodysuit around the boy, it was black instead of blue, with silver lines on the side, and in the center of it, rested the house of El sigil, in the same design as the one on my chest, all in all, it looked like the Snyder-cut superman suit, with the only difference being the 'S' design.

Ryan had looked at himself, his eyes wide with surprise, and then I tell him, "this is a Kryptonian bodysuit, I had modified it a little to measure your signs at all times."

"H-how will I take it off?"

"Just press on the symbol on your chest and say 'suit, fold' whenever you feel the need to take it off," I say to him as I show him where to press.

His mom's eyes are wide, and Even butcher says, "well… I wasn't expecting that…"

I also add, "and also, the suit is very tough, but I wouldn't try anything rash right away." That seems to calm Becca down somewhat, and then I say, "Now… let's get started." I say as I start making my way to the training room, with Ryan right behind me.

***later that day***

I had made a good start with Ryan, the kid certainly has potential, and it was up to me to make sure that the potential is to do good.

I was now back in my apartment in New York, I had dropped butcher off at the hideout, now that his wife and son were safe and out of Homelander's reach, he was able to focus on the task at hand.

I was now getting ready for my hangout with Starl-Annie, to be honest, in my old life, I kind of found her attractive in a certain way.

So now I was making my way with my car, a black 65 chevy impala, even though flying would be faster, I still needed to maintain my secret identity.

I show up Infront of the Seven's tower at 07:25 P.M, and then I wait, at 07:30 P.M I see starlight show up in civilian attire, she wore a pair of skinny jeans, sneakers, a white shirt under a golden sport's jacket.

She was looking around so I honked, then she turned around, saw me waving at her, she smiled as she quickly had made her way towards me. Then, she went to the passenger's side and climbed inside the car.

I gave her a quick hug, and then said, "Hi." She smiled and replied, "Hi, nice car!" she complimented. "Thank you, you look good." She smiles and blushes a little while saying, "Thanks, you're not too bad yourself." She complimented again.

"Thanks, now… are you ready to go?"

"Ye- oh just a second." She said as she buckled her seat belt, and then she turned towards me and said, "now I am." I chuckled at that, shifted gears, and pushed on the gas while making our way towards the place I had in mind.

It was a nice bar, I had known about this place from my second day on this earth, a bar that was funnily enough named puzzles. It was not too loud, the food was decent, and we could just hang out and talk.

After we both had gotten our orders we waited at the booth and I asked, "soo… Annie… what does it feel like to come all the way from Iowa to the big apple?"

She stopped sipping from her drink, gave me a look, and said, "I thought this was not an interview…"

"and it's not, this is a genuine question to get to know you better."

"oh, in that case, let me think… it's definitely not what I was expecting, things are definitely different here than back home."

"I can relate," I said sympathetically while putting my hand on top of hers gently.

"oh yeah?" she raised a brow, and then added, "And where is Clark Kent from?"

"From Kansas City."

"Oh nice, are your folks still there?"

"Ah no… they passed away a couple of years back."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She says as she puts her hand on top of mine.

"it's fine, I'm honestly better now, but if you don't mind, how about we change the subject?"

She nods her head and says, "if you want to that is fine." And then we started to talk about many other things.

At some point, after our food had arrived, she said to me, "I have to ask, where did you get that tidbit of information on this… Aquaman, that was a very specific piece of information that you asked him."

"Miss January, now you know that a good reporter never reveals their sources," I say in a mock offense, but with some grain of truth to it.

"Oh come on, you must be able to share something."

I shrug my shoulders and say, "sorry, can't."

"please…" she says and gives me the biggest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen, I then say, "ok fine, fine, I will say this, my source is someone who has a very in-depth knowledge of the Atlantian and his weapon. And that is all I'm going to say!" I say, and I play it a little drunk, I don't know if she's not threatened by Homelander to tell him anything she finds out, so I try to make it look like I was not giving the information away on purpose.

She then says, "wow! That must be pretty cool."

"it is." I then look at the pool table and ask, "hey… do you want to play pool?"

"are you kidding? I'll kick your ass at it."

"oh, I would like to see you try."

We both laugh as we made our way to the pool table.

"I can't believe you beat me!" she exclaimed, half-drunk as we left the bar.

"I told you you wouldn't beat me at pool." I acted like I sobered up enough to drive, even though alcohol didn't affect me now, even though with how tipsy she was, I don't think she really noticed.

We went inside the car, and I drove her back to the tower. Then after we had stopped and she said, "I had a great time tonight, thank you."

"no problem, I had fun as well." I said as I gave her a hug, and then she said, "well… we should do this again sometime."

I smile and say, "I would like that very much."

She then turns around, gets my pen and writes something on a piece of paper, and says, "here." As she hands it to me, I see it is her phone number, and then she adds, "now you can contact me if you want to hang out again."

My face breaks in a smile and I say, "thank you, I will." And with that, she gives me one last hug and exits the car towards the tower.

As soon as I see her enter the tower, I rev my engine and drive off towards my apartment, I have a great feeling welling in my chest, I really did have a great time with her, but now I am starting to regret wishing for Lois Lane, well… maybe this will work out, who knows?

***The Deep pov***

I was entering the pool in the hospital, it was my first day in my new 'physiotherapy', they wanted to see how I was adjusting to these new powers, well… It was time to see.

I started out by getting a feel for my hydro-kinesis, I noticed that whenever I'd get a feeling of pulling in my arm, water would come to it, the same with the other arm.

And then I went on and tried it with my feet, at first, it didn't work, but then when I tried it again and again it finally did, and then my physiotherapist told me to try and 'push' so to speak, and It worked.

Now I was lying underwater on my stomach, the point of this exercise, was to make me swim using only my Hydro=kinesis, by creating a current with my legs.

It had many failures, and a few successes, but by the end of the day, I was feeling great empowerment.

'lookout Aquaman, I am coming for you.'

A.N Hi everyone, I am back with another chapter.

So to tackle a few things, I will admit, I had gotten the idea for the nano suit for Ryan from the fanfic 'Avengers of steel' by the amazing author Reyel, but with some differences, so that I won't be stealing from him.

Secondly, the name of the bar I had gotten the idea for it after rewatching HIMYM.

And now, some of you said in the comments that this story was a wish-fulfillment, and you are right it is, and what is wrong with that? Others said that they don't like it and that the only reason you even read it is that there aren't many 'the boys' fanfics out there, and that I made you want to die, and that you dropped this. Well to that I say that nobody is forcing you to read this, and if you want things to be done differently, write your own Boys/superman fanfic, or just the boys, I am not apologizing for my work, and remember, this is just a fanfic, try not to take it too seriously damnit.

And lastly, for those of you who had shown your support, and read all the way to this chapter, you guys are awesome, you guys help me keep on writing this story for you and not drop it. Now please tell me what you guys thought of this in the comments below, and I'll hopefully see you next time!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!