Chapter 11

***Clark pov***

I was hunched over Annie, it was about 10 minutes after Homelander had collapsed the building and flew off, I guess he never bothered to check that he actually finished me off.

I had used my X-ray to scan Annie, and thankfully nothing was broken, although she was definitely cut and bruised, with a cut on her forehead, and she most likely had suffered a concussion from the fall, my suit was torn and tattered in several areas, although it was dark for human eyes.

I try to move in order to shake Annie awake, but as soon as I move my leg an inch, I feel the rubble behind me threaten to fall apart on top of us.

Now I have no problem leaving this situation unscathed, although I am not so sure about Annie, I then try the next best thing to make her up, and I yell out, "Annie! wake up! Annie!"

Now, I can try and fuse the rocks with my heat vision, but even with Annie's superhuman durability, that amount of heat would cook her alive, so I look at the closest rock to her, and I fire a small ray of heat vision, making it red hot, so now we have light, but also a lot more heat.

I then yell even louder, Annie!" and she then makes a noise as she starts to wake up, she wakes up, still in a daze.

She looks around, and then sees me, her eyes go wide while I am relieved, and she asks, "How are you...?"

I look at her, and then I say, "I think I should explain a few things…"

"You think? When were you going to tell me you were a supe as well?"

"Technically I am not a supe, I'm an alien," I say, cutting right to the point.

She looks at me in disbelief and says, "that can't be, you told me that all supes are made using compound V, the only one other than Homelander who claimed to be an alien is…" her eyes widen as realization dawns on her.

She then says, "no way…" as she slowly gets up, and gets closer, she squints her eyes and looks at the tear on my chest, and then she sends her fingers to move it, and then her eyes are fixed on my chest.

More specifically, on the red and yellow symbol with the blue behind it. She then looks at me and then says, "you, you're Superman?"

Then my super-hearing picks up the sounds of trapped people calling out for help, so I then turn towards Annie and say, "Listen, can we talk about this later? Right now there are some people who are in need of my help."

She looks around and asks, "how can you tell?"

"super hearing, again, I promise I will tell you later, now, can you stand up?"

She starts to slowly stand up, and then says, "ok… what are we going to do?"

And then I let her in on the plan, and once she's nodding understandingly I begin to act.

***Bruce Wayne/Batman pov ***

Bruce was in his bat suit, making his way in the tumbler towards times square, after the news broke out this morning about Homelander and the rest of Vought, it was later reported that Homelander had leveled an apartment building, presumably Clark's apartment building.

Even though he knew Clark could easily survive this, he also knew that he would most likely be delayed, due to him trying to save as many civilians as possible, so now he had to try and stop Homelander from killing as many civilians as he can, as he now was getting multiple reports of him starting to massacre civilians.

"it looks like he's starting to show his real colors," he says out loud as batman soon arrives at the area where now several mutilated dead bodies were laying around.

Batman then sees Homelander floating Infront of him, his gaze soon lands on him, and he can see that he is totally unhinged, his eyes are glowing red but before he can shoot his lasers at him, he activates his weapon.

he presses a button, and two objects are flying out of the sides of the boatmobile, then they float at his sides.

At first, he just looks at them grinning, and then he asks, "is that the best you can do?"

Batman smirks and then says, "no," and he presses a red button.

Soon, massive soundwaves begin bombarding him, and he clutches his head in pain and falls to the ground, the sonic weapons follow him, and keep on him.

I know this is only temporary, but it is the only thing that is stopping him at the moment.

But then after five minutes under that bombardment, Homelander opens his eyes, which are now crimson red, and starts to cut off the amplifiers in half.

He then slowly lowers his hands from his ears, and Batman sees blood trickling out of them, then he turns his gaze at him, rage evident in his eyes as he says, "THAT… WAS A BIG MISTAKE!" as he starts making his way towards him, but he stumbles a little, still disoriented, and Batman takes full advantage of it, and stats firing missiles from the front of his vehicle at him, he knows they won't do him any damage, but he takes advantage of Homelander's temporary disorientation.

He sees that they hit their mark, and then he takes full advantage of the smokescreen and activates the second part of his plan, he presses several key bords, and then he is being engulfed with a suit of armor around him.

He exits the tumbler just as a pair of red hot lasers cuts through the dust cloud and hits it, making it explode not long after, then Homelander walks out of it, pissed as hell, then his eyes go wide as he sees the mech suit batman is in, it easily stands at 8 ft tall, has a hulking figure, giant piston fists at each side, a round helmeted head with points on the sides, and of course, a giant bat symbol on the chest plate.

Homelander asks, "and who are you supposed to be?" as his eyes are still glowing ready to unleash his fury on him.

Through the speakers on his suit, Bruce replies, "I'm batman." And proceeds to punch Homelander in the face.

***At the fortress***

Ryan and the others had watched the news and saw the carnage, they had tapped in after Superman had told them what he was about to do, but they never expected Homelander to react that way.

Ryan, was in his civilian clothing, and saw the news and clenched his fists in rage, it was the first time he saw the true face of his father, and that had made him mad, he remembered what Kal and his mother had told him the first time he had reached the fortress, and all the training he had gone through to make him stronger.

He had turned around and went to his room, and when Jarome saw him, he asked, "Hey Ryan! Where do you think you're going?"

Ryan simply said, "people are hurt, they need me out there." Then with a flash of red lightning, Jarome was Infront of him, and said, "wow, wow there buddy, you can't go, you're not ready!" the older teen said.

"In fact none of us are." Added Felicia Jorden, A.K.A. phantom girl formally known as Ghost.

"But he is killing people! And Superman hasn't yet showed up to stop him, and I'm the only one with a chance to stop him."

He soon felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Giant Man A.K.A. Jason Moro, now with all his deformities fixed, and he now had the ability to change between giant size and normal size.

He smiled and said, "we are not saying you shouldn't go there, we're saying you shouldn't go there by yourself."

Then, Jarome vanished in a flash and then reappeared, this time wearing his suit.

It was also a Kryptonian bodysuit, only this one had been custom-made for him. It had yellow boots, the sleeves extended beyond the wrists that it covered the fingers, same was done with the neck area, until it made a cowl, with two yellow lightning bolts at the sides of his head, and on his chest, instead of the diamond-covered 'S' was a circular shaped shield, with golden edge and white background, behind a golden lightning bolt, while the suit itself was colored red.

Flash was smirking and said, "we're a team, alright? So let's do this together."

Ryan smiled, he then went to put on his training suit when Kelex said, "master Ryan, Master Kal had left something for you for when you decided you wanted to go out there, but since he isn't here to give it to you personally, he had instructed me to give it to you myself."

and then one of the drones had floated closer to him, with a black metallic ball, much like the one Superman had given him, but this one had a red diamond shield and 'S' in it.

"But I thought I had received my suit already?" he said, confused.

"That was your training outfit, this is Kal-El's gift for you." Ryan then pressed on the shield, and then he felt the familiar sensation of nano buts covering him. Soon enough he had stood there, this time, his suit was black, but his boots and symbol were red, while the usually silvery lines in his other suit were now red as well.

Then he heard Kelex say, "good luck, Super-boy." and then the drone turned around and went on with its tasks.

***Bruce Wayne/Batman***

Although he had the initial advantage of blindsiding Homelander, batman was now failing, his suit had suffered major damages, and the metal was very fatigued.

And Homelander, except for the blood from his ears was barely breaking a sweat. He punched him left and right, while his suit started to show the results of the abuse, "power now at 75% and dropping, 70%, 65%..."

Batman quickly said, "divert all remaining power to shields!" but then he felt something touches his stomach, and then he heard, the computer says, "error, error, suit been breached, unable to complyyyyyy…." then the voice died down, and the suit was ripped open, and Batman saw the furious face of Homelander looking at him while holding on the pieces of broken metal in both of his arms.

He threw them to the sides, and then grabbed Batman and pulled him out by his throat.

He held him by his throat up high, his eyes glowing red, but then they turned off, as an evil grin formed on his face while he said, "you know, I thought about killing you swiftly, but since you resisted so much, I think I will do it slowly, to make an example out of you."

Then he turned him around, grabbed him with both arms at the upper and lower parts of his back armor, and then lifted him high up while saying, "let this be a lesson to all those who think they can fuck with me!" and he brought him down on his knee.

Only, Batman didn't feel him getting hurt, In fact, he suddenly saw a flash of red lightning surrounding him, and then he found himself several ft away from Homelander.

He then looked up and saw a figure clad in red and yellow, and when his eyes landed on the lightning blot on his chest, he knew who it was, Clark had told him about their new speedster.

The speedster looked at him, anxious and excited, and then said, "sorry about that." But then he ran off towards the remaining civilians, soon, he noticed other supes starting to show up at the scene.

One of them, in particular, had caught his attention, a little boy, with a black and red suit, and a big stylized 'S' emblazoned in a diamond-shaped shield, much like that of…

"so, you are supposed to be… what? Superkid?" Homelander asked mockingly.

"it's Superboy." The kid replied, anger evident in his voice.

Then Batman noticed Homelander's face contorting in anger, as he looked at the symbol on the kid's chest, and his eyes lit up with heat vision.

"Well then, I will have to kill you too." as he fired his heat vision, but then Superboy's eyes lit up as he let loose his own lasers at Homelander, making a clash between them both.

"So, you've got laser eyes as well, big whoop!" says Homelander as he starts to increase his assault, and then when it seems Superboy can't take more of it, he jumps to the side, making the laser hit the road, melting it a bit.

Then, Superboy starts bending his knees, and jumping at Homelander, fist cocked, but then Batman noticed something, Homelander simply stood there, not moving, and grins.

Then Batman saw the fist connect to Homelander's face, but he barely much as moved his head half an inch. Then he grabbed the kid by his throat, and lifted him up, with the kid yelping.

Then Batman saw him looking at him and say, "well, big fans of Superman are we? Well… I will teach him a lesson he will never forget, nobody will want to follow his example again." And his eyes began to glow up.

"Y-you can't do this," Superboy said, fear evident in his voice as he said those words.

"I'm the Homelander, and I can do whatever the fuck I want." He said and was about to fire off his heat vision, but then Batman had enough, he took out one of his Batarang and threw it to his head, but he caught it quickly between his fingers.

He looked at him and was about to say something when the center of the Baterant started beating red and it exploded in his face, of course, it didn't even phase him, as later he was still there, standing, face merely covered in soot.

And then he said, "well, you're a gluten for punishment, aren't you?" as he dropped Superboy, and rushed at Batman and was about to grab his neck when suddenly he heard a booming voice saying. "Homelander, stand down!" and they all saw him there, floating in the air, his cape fluttering behind him as he made his descent.

It was Superman, he finally showed up to save the day.

***Clark pov***

I was seeing Homelander about to fry Batman's face when I finally arrived, It was thanks to Annie that I was able to save as many people as I could she, of course, stayed back and helped the survivors until the first responders could arrive.

I was now touching the ground, and Homelander's eyes were glowing red hot, and he said with rage dripping voice, "You! This is all your fault! Before you came along everything was going well, but you had to step in didn't you, but your nose where it doesn't belong! I was the big shot! Me! I was loved and worshiped like I was deserved, like the God that I am! And YOU. WILL. PAY."

And then he fired his heat vision at my face, I just let it hit me, it doesn't even faze me one bit, and I just walk right up to him.

He stops bombarding me with his heat vision, pure shock evident on his face, and I say as my eyes light up, "my turn." As I fire my heat vision at him.

Surprisingly enough, he reacts just in time with his heat vision again and manages to block it, but soon enough, it becomes evident that mine is stronger when it starts pushing his back, and then it hits his face.

He, of course, screams in pain, and then stops, he is too shocked that he actually felt pain it seemed. Then he says, "you are going to pay for that! I'M THE HOMELANDER! AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT!" as he flies towards me, and punch me in the face at full strength.

I don't even budge, and he of course looks at me with horror, and then he proceeds to turn around and fly off at his top speed.

I then turn towards Batman and ask him, "you ok?"

He coughs up and says, "I'll manage." I nod my head and turn towards Ryan and say, "Superboy, you and the others check for any civilian survivors, coordinate with Batman."

"Y-yes, sir!" He says, and I nod my head and fly off after Homelander.

I easily catch up to him, and as I grab his leg, he looks at me with horror and immediately starts firing his heat vision at me, again, not really thinking it seems.

I easily deflect it with my own and then I get him close to me, and then I uppercut him, slightly stronger than a love tap.

Of course, he flies up, and I go up as well, then, as I reach the upper stratosphere, I wait for him to get in range, and then I land a double ax handle on his back, making him rocket back to earth.

I soon follow him, and he crashes face first in the middle of a cornfield in Kansas, as I land outside of the newly formed crater, I see a hand reaches out of it, then another one and the beaten form of Homelander crawls out of it, his face now bloodied and bruised, and he coughs up blood as he says, "Y-you, *cough* c-can't do this… do you know who the fuck I am? I'M THE FUCKING HOMELANDER!!!"

I cross my arms, and then I say, "and I'm disappointed."

Then I pull out a pair of power dampening cuffs, I then proceed to grab his arms and cuff him, and then I walk away.

Homelander then shouts behind me, "WAIT! We're not done yet, you alien fag! I'm the Homelander! Nobody turns their backs on me! I can kill you!"

Without even turning I say loud enough for him to hear, "No, Homelander! You can not! Unlike you, I don't need to kill you to win! And besides, after your little display in new York and what Kent has done to you, you have already been defeated in your public opinion game!" then I turn around and get closer to him, and since his super hearing was not working, I say to his ear.

"and I'll let you in on a little secret, you were never a match to me, in fact, you were created as a cheap imitation of me, and of all the other imitations of me out there, by far, you are the weakest."

And then I turn around and walk away again, this time, to the sounds of him screaming his lungs out.

I then pull out a small communicator, put it to my ear, and then say, "Superman to Batman, I've neutralized Homelander, we won." I finish as I look at the sight of the sun up above us.


After taking Homelander back with me to the city, I am sure to escort him to the nearest police station, where several fully armed police officers were waiting for us, already notified by Batman, every police station was ready in case I would choose them.

The highest-ranked officer walks closer to me, and says, "thank you, Superman, we'll take it from here."

I nod my head and say, "ok captain, I'll leave him to your trusted hands." And then I walk away as Homelander is being processed.

I soon go to check up on the city, in his rampage, Homelander had collapsed several other buildings, along with slicing innocent bystanders left and right, I saw Ryan and the others help out the civilians still trapped under rubble.

I soon landed next to Warren Nelson, A.K.A. war angel, formerly known as boobie face, he was flapping his big, massive wings while holding on to broken rebar.

"Need a hand?" I ask as float near him. He looks at me, and then his green eyes had shown his relief, "Superman! Yes, there are people trapped in here, Superboy is busy elsewhere and can't help."

I nod as I put my hand on the rebar and pull on it, moving the long chain of concrete attached to it, and start clearing it.

Warren was right, a mother and her three kids were trapped under there, as soon as they saw me, they cringed back, trying to avoid me.

"Hey, hey… it's ok… I'm not here to hurt you." I said as I slowly reached out my hand, and the best reassuring smile on my face, the youngest one had taken my hand hesitantly, and I had passed her to war angel and then the other one, I took the mother and her eldest in my arms and slowly started to fly us out of there.

After we landed, the mother had looked at me, and said, "T-thank you, S-superman." And I nodded my head as a pair of EMTs had run towards us and started to check on their injuries.

I soon heard the sound of shifting rubble, and then someone shouted, "look out!" and I saw a bunch of rubble about to fall on two kids that were holding each other.

Before I could reach them, however, a figure quickly grabbed them both, and then flew off from there, just as the ruble had fallen, and would've crushed all those under it.

As the figure landed, I soon saw the figure stand to her full Hight and recognized her. It was Lois, now wearing the wonder woman outfit Adriana Palicki wore in her failed pilot of the 2011 show.

I look her up and down, and I walk closer as the kids start to run off to their parents, as I get closer, I say, "Miss Lane, I see you have some explaining to do." I mean I know I should have expected this since I wished for it, but I am still curious to know how that came about.

She gives me her bright smile and says, "now Mr. Superman, you of all people know of the value of not telling one's own secret identity in public, don't you? Clark."

She finished, and at my expression, she laughed and said, "you weren't being as slick as you thought, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

I smile at her, and then say, "you would have to tell me how'd you found out." She nodded and then we continued.

It was then that Batman had called me on the radio and said, "Superman, we're being called to the white house."

I then reach my hand to the communicator and say, "understood, me and…" that's when I look at Lois and say, "wonder woman will be there shortly." She quirks a brow at that and asks, "wonder woman?"

"what? I couldn't call you queen Maeve now, could I?" I say and she gives me a smirk and says nothing, then I say, "well… if you don't mind, the white house had called us so…" I then crouch down, and see that she was doing much the same, then me both flown up towards our destination.

We needed to wait at the oval office for a minute, then Flash came with batman, and then the president started to say, "first off, I would like officially thank you all for your efforts today, and especially you Superman, for taking care of Homelander after his rampage, and preventing further casualties."

I simply say, "no problem Mr. president." I said as I shook his hand.

After I shook his hand he said, "well then, now… the nation is going to be at a disarray, supes are going to be in disorder even more than usual, we need to think ahead of our next action, even with Wayne industries converting Alcatraz to be a special supe prison, we need some… reassurance."

At that, I smile and say, "well, funny you should say that Mr. President, I have some ideas…."

Later that day, the president had gathered a press conference to address the events that accrued today, then he says, "and in regards to the supe situation, ladies and gentlemen of the press, I give you, the man who stopped Homelander, Superman!" as he turned around and I stepped in sight, all the cameras were flashing at me, and I walked to the presidential podium and said, "thank you Mr. President, now, I think it is safe to say that most of the blame falls on Vought's shoulders, but some of it falls on us as well, for far too long we had left them in power unchecked, a wise man once said, 'with great power comes great responsibility and I say that with that responsibility comes accountability as well.

Vought had never been accountable for their action, always paying off the death and injuries their supes had created in order to shut up the people who could shed light on their real action, Homelander was merely a small part in a greater ploy, he was also a byproduct of Vought's unchecked greed, but… not all supes are like him, some of them like starlight actually work day in and day out to make sure you are safe.

But I have another message, not all people with powers are cut out for hero work, if you want, you can use your abilities in a matter much more fitting to the society. Like the late Groundhawk, he could have used his abilities to be a demolition or even a construction worker, or something along those lines, but sadly he was killed by Nubian prince and Nubia, because Vought had put him on their 'villeins' roster, and the same could be said for other supes, Vought is behind it all, and I'm here to put a stop to it.

From now on, all supes will go through a psych evaluation, and career placement, and judging by those who fit it best, will be placed in jobs they are actually qualified for, and that is all I have to say on the matter."

Soon the press began to make a lot of noise, and that is when the president took over and answered their questions.

It went on and on, until someone asked, "Mr. President! What are your plans for supes who are not going to cooperate with the new status cue you are trying to set?"

The president then said, "well, we had begun the process of starting a new department, one that specialized in policing these supes, later this week the name of that department will be revealed."

***Homelander pov – a month later***

He was in his cell, his trial was expedited, and sure enough, he had received three life sentences with no parole.

He was watching the TV, where Superman and Superboy had saved a bus full of kids from a falling bridge, his face was not as sore but it will never be the same, the scars would be there permanently.

Then he heard a knock on the glass door of his cell, there he saw him, William Butcher, the new head of the government's new anti supe department, he was smiling and said, "well there Homelander, or should I say John?"

That infuriated him, but he kept quiet, and Butcher continued, "well… it's funny ain't it? You, being here like a common criminal with the rest of the lowlife scum, who would have thought that there was a bigger fish than you?"

Still quiet, and then Butcher said, "well, Superboy seemed to have been taken after Superman, which is great to the world I guess."

Then he snapped, "I would have killed that snot-nosed brat if that Batman did not meddle,, then I would've killed Superman's bastard!"

Then Butcher laughed, which annoyed John who then said, "what's so damn funny?!"

He wiped a tear out of his right eye and said, "oh nothing, it's just that you've got this all wrong mate, Superboy isn't Superman's son, he's yours." And with that he turned his back and walked away, living a shocked Homelander behind.

He sat there, staring at the screen featuring Superman, and Superboy, his son, and then he shouted in anger and frustration, "DAMN YOU, SUPERMAN! You mother fucker, If I could only have the fucking power you have, I will beat you, I will kill you!"

But then his shoulder slumped, as he dwelled in his sorrow, then, a light glowed to his side, and after turning his head, he saw to his surprise a vortex opening, through it, walked a figure, John could not tell how the figure looked due to the blinding light behind it.

Then the light died down, and John saw it, it was a man covered in purple robes, skin disfigured, and he had a grin in his eyes as he spoke, "well, The Homelander, my master had watched you from afar, and he has a proposition that he believes would benefit you both greatly."

John looks at him, shock evident on his face as he asks, "w-who is he? And why should I listen to what he has to offer?"

The man smiles and says, "who he is will be revealed once you meet him, and as for why you should listen, well… let's just say you both have an enemy in the one calling himself Superman."

At the mention of his name, John's anger flared up, and then he asked, "can he help me get my revenge and get me back where I belong?"

"he can, though the process would require some sacrifices from you."

He thought about it for a moment before quickly replying, "tell your master that I'm in."

The man gave a frightening grin and said, "Good, now, if you please would follow me." He said as another portal opened up on the wall, he started to walk there, seeming to be walking up one step before entering further, then he turned and said to him, "well? Are you coming?"

And John was quick to follow, and after he walked further in, the portal closed, leaving nothing behind but a chard and smoking Omega symbol.

A.N hey there everyone, I am back with another chapter.

First off, thank you all for supporting this fic and coming this far.

Secondly, the majority of you had asked for this story to continue beyond this point, so here's a teaser for things to come.

Now, I have a problem, I couldn't find a good name for the new supe department the Butcher is now running, and I felt that shield and d.e.o. would be too easy, so I decided that I would leave it for you to decide in the comments, and if you do, be sure to let me know what the acronyms mean as well.

and also, I decided to try something else this chapter, after a fan suggested it to me, I decided to make every pov that isn't the MC's a third person, let me know if you want me to continue with it, or if you want me to return to the old way.

Lastly, let me know if you want a filler flashback chapter of the supe rejects and what powers and abilities they had received and how it happened, if you do, then I will oblige your request.

As to why I made it so that this Lois Lane would catch on to that Clark Kent is Superman, well… you would have to wait for the next chapter.

Now let me know what you think of this story in the comments, and be sure to review, and share your ideas for its continuation, until next time you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!