Chapter 15

***Clark pov- fortress of solitude***

I was now training in aerial combat with Ryan and CW, we were preparing ourselves for Darkseid's arrival along with most likely a very different Homelander, now I wasn't under any illusion that Darkseid won't jack him up in some way, he might even find a way to augment him as I did with Ryan, but who knows what the god of tyranny might do with a compound V enhanced human like Homelander? And CW had some experience dealing with him in the past, so he took point on our training today.

But now I was focusing on dodging Ryan's heat vision's blast, I had found out that since I had conditioned his body to absorb solar radiation, his heat vision was getting hotter and hotter as if it was shooting more than just laser out of his eyes.

As I was dodging, my eyes lit up as well as I shot my own heat vision at the boy, he barely dodged the blast, and proceeded to fly towards me, ramming me in the process, and tackling me to the ground.

Now… I could've fought him, even fend him off, but the only reason I had let him win, was because I had something special planned out for him today.

As we crashed to the icy ground, I slowed us down, so we won't damage too much of our surroundings.

After that, I rose up, and brushed off some dirt and ice that clung to my outfit, CW landed next to us, he was aware of what was about to happen and smiled at me, I consulted him about it two days earlier, and after he approved, I talked to Ryan's mother, and she was thrilled that I would do this for him, even though If I was being honest, I was doing it more for my sake.

I then extended my hand for Ryan to take and helped him back on his feet, after I pulled him up, I smiled at him and said, "I think we are done, for now, come on, there's something I want to show you." I said as I started making my way back Inside.

After we entered, I quickly made my back to the medical wing, where Beca and Billy were waiting for us, as we entered, Ryan stopped and asked, "Mom? Billy? Is everything alright?"

Becca just smiled and said, "you'll soon find out." And then she gestured for me to continue.

I smiled at him and said, "Ryan, for the past few months, I started seeing you as a member of my family, I even gave you my house Sigil to wear on your chest, but I have neglected to do something very important… until this day."

Then the computer woke up and showed a D.N.A. strand, Ryan's D.N.A. strand to be exact, and then I continued, "In krypton, when one is being granted to wear a house's crest, it usually means they are being adopted to that house, even if they keep their original houses name, but their children carry their new house's name, since you are not Kryptonian, and do not have a Kryptonian name, I decided to grant you a new name, one that reflects your connection to my house, I give you the name… Ry EL." I finish and then I make a gesture with my hand, and Ryan's D.N.A. strands disappear, and instead, we see the records of the house of EL, all the way from the founder, to the newest addition, that was now showing, along with a picture of Ryan next to it.

Ryan's eyes went wide by that, it was clear he did not expect that to happen, he turned to his mother, who I could now see had tears of joy in her eyes and he asked her, in disbelief, "did you know about this?"

She nodded her head and said, "Kal came to me first and asked my permission and blessing before doing this, of course, I gave it to him."

Ryan then turned towards me, and then a massive smile appeared on his face, and super sped towards me, gave me a hug that would have killed a normal human, and just kept saying repeatedly, "thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I just laughed and said, "you're welcome kiddo! Allow me to officially welcome you to the family." I said, even though we were worried about Darkseid, it was nice to have this moment with him.

After he let go of the hug, Ryan looked at me and asked, "wait… does that mean I'm like… your son now?"

I was shocked at that, and then laughed and said, "In a way, yes… although I would still like to think of you as my nephew." As I ruffled his blonde hair, The grin I had refused to leave my face.

***Aquaman pov- New Atlantis***

He was now facing a new threat with his army, but it was soon evident to him that he was not facing King shark, or at least his world's version of him, he saw scars on the poor creature's body that seemed like he was in a lab of some kind, then he heard Kevin coming near him and saying, "oh fuck me! They must be desperate to send him here." He said with dread in his voice.

Arthur turned towards him, "you know this… thing?"

Kevin nodded his head and said, "unfortunately… yeah, he was supposed to be a villain for me to fight, but he was too unstable, too… uncontrollable, they had put him on ice, project shark prince is what they called him." He finished as a grimace appeared on his face.

"I feel like I am to blame for his situation, I am sorry."

I shook my head and said, "don't be, you are not the one who is responsible for him, now brace yourself!"

Just as he said that the shark man had hit several of his soldiers so hard they actually were flung back, he was formidable, at that he had no doubt, he tried to communicate with him, but he was resisting him, almost as if he was too far gone, he was about to try and take it to a new level by using his trident to enhance his communication abilities with marine life, when all of a sudden Kevin stepped forward.

"I've got this, your majesty." He said as he swam forward to fight the shark man. He had his trident at hand, but his posture was that of a calm collected man, he had his trident in his left hand, while his right was extended forward.

"Shhh, it's ok, it's ok, no one is going to hurt you anymore." The shark man seemed to stop for a moment, and Arthur hoped that the bloodshed would be over.

But then he saw the shark's eyes turning black, and at that moment he knew what the shark was about to do, he was about to call out for Kevin, but then the shark man snapped forward, his rows of teeth showing, but before he could munch on the Deep's arm, he was stopped in his place.

Before Arthur's mind could register what was happening, he could see that the shark man's arms and legs were being restrained by water tendrils, and now as he was looking, he saw that it was his wife, with a combined effort from the Deep.

As the guards rushed forward to cuff the shark creature, he heard Kevin say, "be gentle with him, he needs help." He said that with a sorrowful expression on his face.

It seemed that his time with them had taught him some very important life lessons, mainly not to take a life if possible.

As they were headed back to the palace, and Kevin went past him again, he felt that same weird feeling from his trident as he felt so long ago, it was as if the trident… was being drawn to The Deep.

But that was Impossible… wasn't it?

***John pov- Apokolips***

He was now rising from his bed at the palace, he glanced at his now more muscular body, and saw several bodies still holding on to him, since he started his training under Steppenwolf, he had found that serving under Darkseid had its benefits, mainly that whenever he had an itch, Darkseid never speared him a scratch, and so he had sex slaves at his chambers every other night if he thought himself a God before, he was sorely mistaken.

As he slowly floated off of his bed, he made his way to the stand where his armor hung, it was similar in design to his old suit, minus the whole patriotic theme, no, this was a suit worthy of him.

Just as he finished putting on his suit he heard a knock on the door, he turned and quickly scanned it using his X-ray vision, as he saw who was standing behind it he said, "you may enter!"

The door opened up to reveal big granny goodness behind it, and she said, "Lord Darkseid is expecting you in the throne room."

He suppressed a gulp at hearing that, after his last encounter with the God of Tyranny, he was wary of another encounter, not to mention in his throne room.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his former white skin was now coal black, and his eyes were a strange, unearthly mixture of black and white.

He mentally sighed as he made himself ready and said, "ok, I'm headed there now." He said with resignation, and he stepped out of his room.

Soon he quickly made his way into the palace to the throne room, where Lord Darkseid sat still, barely moving an inch. He then bowed his head and knelt down, showing the God his proper respect.

Then the God Spoke up, "Arise." And john did so.

Then the god looked at him and said, "you have impressed me, I have broken you down to the bare bones, but you managed to live through every trial, you have faced legions of pera demons, trained under my top generals, and yet… you did not perish, that… is impressive."

John just lowered his head and said, "thank you, lord Darkseid!"

Then the stony God said, "now, you have outgrown both of your former names, I shall grant you a name more befitting of your new station. You will be known as the new god of the sun, my Dark… Hyperion…"

The now-named Dark Hyperion rose up from his kneeling position and stood on both his feet, he straightened out his posture, and was there, smiling, now, he was finally being recognized as the God he deserved to be known as.

Then Darkseid pressed a Butten, and a hologram opened, showing several people, but there was a common theme to them all, they all looked like that insufferable Superman, some were looking exactly like him, with some differences in his suit, and others were looking nothing like him, but the suit was similar looking, and others… he swore that someone was making a cosmic joke on that guy.

Then lord Darkseid spoke once again, "You see? There is more than one superman out there, as I said before, some are stronger, some are weaker than others, and you will need to fight them to measure your strength, even though you have gained a power boost, you still are not ready to fight your superman."

Then the hologram of the other Supermen disappeared, and only one was left, he had a mustache on his face, was scrawny looking, wearing a blue Leotard, black trunks under a yellow belt, a small red cape, no boots, and he had a giant yellow letter 'S' on his chest, not even emblazoned in a diamond shield.

If Hyperion was honest with himself, he was the most ridiculous looking version of superman he had ever seen.

"Who is that?" he asked the God with a raised brow.

"The weakest version of superman I hadn't defeated yet that I could find, on his earth he goes by the name "Super- Lopez," I think he would make a nice trial run for you to measure up against, don't you think?"

Dark Hyperion just smirked, and said, "bring it on." And was getting himself ready to face him.

***Clark pov- the planet mars***

I was in one of my ships making my way to the planet mars, Ryan was with me, and so was CW, today was the day we finally were going to meet the Marith'rai, and I have brought with me some things that could potentially make us allies in the long run.

I soon landed our vessel on the planet's surface, I distributed breathing unties between all of us, and then asked young Ryan, "ready?"

He took a deep breath, and then nodded in the affirmative, and then said, "yeah, I'm ready." I smiled at him and fondly ruffled his hair, and then I heard CW say, "I think they just entered through the planet's atmosphere."

He was right, I soon opened up the door, and as our bodies adjusted to the shift in pressure we saw them landing next to us, and as we exited our vessel and started walking on the barren surface of the long-dead planet, we saw the opening their doors as well, and well… they looked as well as one could expect.

since originally they were made up by Vought before I wished them to be real in this universe, I wasn't sure how they looked since in my old life they didn't really have any fan art, but looking at them right now… they looked a whole lot like the Eliksni from the Destiny games, which was fitting since the Marith'rai were made to be space marauders, scavengers and pirates.

As we walked forward, Both CW's cape and mine were bellowing in the small frail Martian wind. A large Marith'rai walked to us, he had his own breathing apparatus on him, and then he had made one of his hands Into a fist, and placed it on his chest, and gave a small bow of respect with his head, and then he said, "Greeting, I am Kanjdoor, to whom I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

I looked at him, cleared my throat, and said, "we are the last remaining members of the once great house of El of the now-deceased planet Krypton, I am Kal-El." Then I pointed at CW, and In a move, we agreed on earlier, as to not confuse the Marith'rai I said, "and this is my brother, Van-EL," then I put my hand on Ryan's shoulder and said, "and my adopted Son, Ry-El."

Then the others stepped out of the ship, they of course were armed, but they were at ease with us.

Then Kanjdoor said, "of course, my companions as well, Farg'ian and Salik'rr."

We imitated his original gesture and bowed our heads respectfully, and then I said, "now that introductions are out of the way… why are you seeking to annihilate the earth and its people?" I asked as I recalled, that was their official story, as to why… well… Vought never really bothered with granting them a real backstory in the first place.

"Well… you misunderstood us Kryptonian, it is not that we want to kill the earthlings, it's that we don't really have a choice, we need that planet to survive, after the destruction of our homeworld many eons ago…" and then he started to tell me what their actual reason was for raiding other planets, they needed their resources in order to survive.

After Kanjdoor finished telling us their story, I nodded my head in understanding, and then I asked, "And If I could guarantee that you won't be wanting for resources and that you would survive in the future, would you give me your word that your people would stop looking to other planets to raid?"

He looked at me for a moment, and then turned his head to his two other companions and conversed with them in their native tongue, and then he turned back towards me and said, "If you can do such a thing, we give our word that we will make sure to change our ways."

I nodded my head, and then said, "ok, good, then please just wait here a moment if you please." And then I turned to the ship, and I signal Ryan to come with me, while CW stay there and watch them.

It takes us a while to find it, but as soon as we do, it doesn't take us long to lift it and take it out of the ship with us.

After we exit the ship and place it on the ground, the Marith'rai look at us and ask and what is that?"

I look at him and a smile is on my face as I say, "this, is a world engine, an ancient piece of Kryptonian technology, designed in the old ages of expansion to terraform any planet to suit Kryptonians needs, but given the right adjustments, I believe we can make so it would make any planet you turn suited for your needs."

They looked at us with shocked expressions, and then Farg'ian asked, "and what planet can we use it on first to test that theory?"

I smiled, and then spread my arms while saying, "why… this planet of course… we can help, of course, we already located several ice meteors that will be needed to start thickening the atmosphere, but… underneath the surface, there are much more frozen water stored, this planet is ready to be terraformed."

They looked at us with shocked expressions, and then they bowed their heads in gratitude and said, "thank you Kal-El, for the great boon you had given us, we are forever in your debt."

I smiled at that, and soon we began the process of terraforming mars.

***Butcher pov***

It was not long after that Superman and Ryan had flown to outer space that billy had received a message from Frenchie, using his connections, they had managed to get a big tip on soldier boy.

At first, M.M wanted it to be a lie, for his sake, but as it turned out, it was true after they dug deep in Vought's records, we even found some other disturbing piece of information, Homelander… was Soldier boy's son.

Now they went ahead on Russian soil, and they had their newest recruit with them, an experimented new supe that went by the name by the name of Kimiko, she didn't talk, It was Superman who gave us most of the Information we had on her.

and Billy would even admit that she had it rougher than him.

Anyway, they were now in Moscow, in a building if rumors were to be believed is where soldier boy was being held.

As they entered a lab, Frenchie noticed something that he called them to see, it was a little hamster, and after reading the name plastered on the cage, it said his name was Jamie.

He then knocked on his cage and tried to get its attention, M.M quickly slapped his hand away and said, "don't fuck with it, just leave it alone."

Then Frenchie laughed and said, "ha ha! Jamie! Who's a cute little gerbil?"

But before any of them could say anything, Billy heard a whimper, like it was a dog. Now Billy could not ignore a pooch in distress, so he whispered-yelled, "hey! I think I heard something!" as they all followed him living the hamster alone.

As he went by the sound he saw him, in a cage, it looked to be about four months old, an American Pitbull puppy, that when Butcher saw it just went, "well hello there! And what are you doing here?"

The puppy, hearing him immediately wagged its tail, and went for him trying to go through the glass, Butcher was not a soft man, but those who knew him knew the man had a soft spot for dogs, especially those bully type.

Then the alarm sounded off, and Butcher just coursed under his breath, and he turned to the puppy and said, "wait here." As he ran to perform his mission.

They found a giant metal tube, and according to their tip, that is where Soldier boy was hidden.

It was sealed shot, but then again, they had a supe on their side, Butcher turned and said, "Kimiko, this is you."

The mute supe just nodded, and then with a move of super strength, she tore off the top part, and after the mist and fog were gone, it revealed the sleeping naked form of Soldier Boy.

"fucking hell, It's Soldier Boy." Butcher said, and just then several armed guards started making their way inside, shouting at them in Russian, and before they could calm down, that is when shit, hit the fans.

Solider Boy woke up, he tore off the mask he had on, and then climbed out of his confinement, and then, to the shouts of the guards, he began contorting his muscles, and his chest began to glow, Butcher had the sense to shout, "scatter!" right before he shot a massive beam of heat and light out of his chest, immediately incinerating the poor guards who stood in his way.

After that, Billy was in a blur, but it didn't take him long to recover as he felt one of the guards grab him and pinned him to the wall, as it turned out several guards survived by having similar ideas to Billy.

The guard began punching Billy in the face, Butcher didn't had time to retaliate, he was still a bit disoriented, but when the guard stopped, Billy took that moment to spit out a massive wad of bloody spit, and then with a massive bloody grin he asked, "is that all you've got mate?"

Then the guard punched him again, only this time, Billy caught it, and began punching him back, to his credit, the guard could take a punch as well as he could dish it, but then Billy heard something unexpected, it was a dog bark.

Both he and the guard turned their heads to the side to see the little puppy butcher saw in the bulletproof glass cage before, then he asked him, half tired and half in disbelief, "what are you doin' here?"

Then the guard shouted at the puppy, "ты тупой дворняга, вернись в свою клетку!" but then the pup growled at him, and to Billy's surprise, his eyes glowed red, and then two red beams of laser came out from his eyes, hitting the guards head, making his head explode in a show of blood and gore.

Billy, now his face covered with the guards' blood and brain matter, looked at the pup in disbelief and said, "you are a supe… pup?" in response to that, the pup only lowered his ears and wagged his tail as he approached Billy, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

Billy, looking at that dog, sighed in defeat and said, "well, now I have to take you with me don't I?" as he reached his hand under the dog's belly, and lifted him closer to his chest.

Then he went and regrouped with the others, and to his relief, none of them were harmed, but then he noticed something that was very, very wrong in this picture.

So he asked, "where is Soldier Boy?" and to his horror, it was Frenchie who answered, "he's gone, he probably disappeared during the chaos."

And at that, Billy could only say one thing, "Fuck me…"

A/N hi there everyone, I am back with another chapter.

So as I said in my other story 'A Superman of a different kind' I had gotten married about four months ago and I started a new job, a job that has been taking a lot out of my free time, now that doesn't mean I'm quitting writing stories, just that I won't be writing as frequently as I could have before.

secondly, for those of you who are going to look up project Shark prince, don't, it is my oc for this fic, since I couldn't find an official version in the boys' universe that could serve that role, I decided to make one up, so think of him as the king shark for The Deep's Aquaman.

Now I know after season 3 of the boys ended, a lot of you had said in the comments that you hate Ryan butcher with a passion, and I get it, but you have to remember, this is a different Ryan Butcher, He had Superman mentoring him from the beginning, in the series Homelander was the only other person like Ryan, so he could relate to him, but since Superman intervened, it has been changed in the new timeline.

Secondly, I have been thinking about having batman inject himself with compound V, if he does let me know what powers should he get, or if just have him with the same powers as black noir plus a healing factor, or just no V powers at all.

Again please let me know what your thoughts are in the comments section, be sure to be respectful in your criticism otherwise I would report you, don't mind you disagreeing with me, just be respectful about it.

Until next time you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!