Chapter 17

***Clark/Superman pov***

After we discovered Doppelganger in the Tower, I had called Ryan up to come and pick up Krypto back to the fortress, he was more than happy to do so.

Now I was with Batman at Justice Tower, we were in the interrogation room grilling Doppelganger who was cuffed by power-suppressing cuffs, Batman was playing good cop, while I was the bad cop, seeing how he was more afraid than me it was the best tactic.

"so, where is Stan Edgar hiding?" I asked him, my face very close to his, he gulped and looked at Batman and Batman just said, "My partner is starting to lose his patience, and he didn't have much to begin with."

Several sweat drops started to appear on his face, and he called out, "Alright! He is at this Vought underground facility in Mayne, it's an old facility that Vought hasn't used in years but recently when the company went bankrupt they called it back into action."

I heard his heartbeat the entire time, so far it was steady, give or take of course the elevation caused by fear, then Batman asked him, "How does Stan plan on destroying Atlantis? As far as we know there aren't a whole lot of aquatic supes out there, and Atlantis is heavily defended, so submarine attack won't cut it."

He shook his head and said, "No you see? Shark Prince was not the only one, nor was the Deep for that matter."

Now I was curious and said, "OK, elaborate on that."

He gulped when I spoke to him and he said, "Well, Vought has more than two aquatic supes, it's just that except for The Deep, they are what you might call "that bad batch", even Shark Prince was a total psycho, and he was designed specially, what do you think the other ones became like?"

I was thinking back to the kids of Red River Center, and the Sage Grove Center, I could only imagine what it would be like for people who add aquatic features to that, given what I know already from comic books and TV shows, the ocean has many abilities that would be dangerous if given to unstable hands.

Now I said to him, "Do you have any names you could give us for any of these supes?" he shook his head and said, "N-no, only Stan knows, he didn't give me much information to go on…"

-on the off chance he'd get caught, so why tell us now?- it all felt way too easy, no matter how scary I was to him, that was information that Stan Edgar would not give his spy in case of capture, it felt…

"ok, I believe we're done here," Batman said as he walked off the interrogation room.

Doppelganger looked at him and asked, "Wait, that's it?"

I glared at him and said, "Oh we are not finished with you just yet, stay put." He shrunk in his seat at that, as I stormed after Batman.

We were joined by Wonder Woman outside the room and he asked me, "So… what do you think?"

I scratched my chin in thought and said, "Well… so far his vitals were showing he was telling the truth, or at the very least what he thought was the truth."

He nodded his head and said, "You've noticed it two huh?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, it feels like a setup, Stan is not stupid, not by a long shot, no way he'd tell a spy all his plans, or even most of them in case of capture, especially when it comes to us, there is probably some grain of truth to whatever false information he had given Doppelganger, but I would take it with a grain of salt."

At this point, Wonder Woman joined in on the conversation and said, "Well, if you would let me take a shot at it…?" she finished by holding up the lasso of truth, and I smirked and said, "Go on ahead, take your best shot."

She smiled as she went inside the interrogation room, I heard everything that was going on, and it went about as we expected.

Soon Lois came out of there, folding her lasso, and said, "Well his story matches what he told you guys, but if you still suspect fowl play which from knowing Edgar I'd have to agree with you guys it's more than likely, I'd investigate the leads he gave us."

Batman nodded his head and said, "ok then, you and Flash go to Mayne to investigate this Vought facility he spoke of, war angel and I will-"

Just then an explosion was heard and the building shook, and soon the alarms started to blare and I saw Batman looking down at his tablet on his van brace, and he said, "Soldier-boy overcharged his constraints, the cuffs didn't dampen his powers, there is a level four radiation leak."

I broke into a cold sweat and asked, "What floor is he on?"

Batman checked and said," 32."

I nodded and said, "Call all available Justice League members in the building to help us contain this."

"Already on it." He said as he pressed on his com and spoke out, "This is Batman to all available Justice League members, we have an escape at floor 32, I repeat, we have an escape at Floor 32, bring Radiation gear, the attacker is very radioactive."

Just then I noticed Flash was making his way there, and I stopped him by calling out to him, "Flash!" he stopped in his tracks, and asked, "Yeah?"

I pointed my head toward Batman and said, "Get Batman to his gear, we're going to need his help to contain the situation."

He gave a quick mock salute, and said, "You got it!" and rushed to us, he grabbed Batman by the back of his neck first, that was to prevent whiplash, and after he was ready, he rushed off.

Now I looked at Lois next to me and asked, "Ready Wonder Woman?"

She smirked and said, "Oh yeah Superman." And I grabbed her by the hand and super sped towards the place of the breakout.

For once, I didn't need to slow down with another person, since I knew Lois was able to take it, so I managed to be there in less than I minute.

Now when we were there, I saw him, his face was that of Jenson Ackles, he was buck naked, his clothes were probably burnt off from the massive amounts of heat he was releasing. He was breathing heavily, his chest was going up and down, and then he looked at me and said, "Who are you cocksuckers?"

I blinked at that and couldn't help but ask, "I'm sorry?"

"You heard me Faggot, who are you? Are you the ones who kidnapped me?"

"no one kidnapped you, we're just trying to help you."

"Oh yeah? What do you call being engulfed in weird metallic containers and not being able to escape?"

"Being contained, sir, are you aware of what you are doing right now?"

"I don't know! And how is this related to anything?"

You are a walking nuclear bomb, whatever the Russians did to you made you that," I say that, as I slowly start to approach him and say, "and you were having a post-traumatic seizure and were about to go nuclear in the middle of a heavily populated area."

"Fuck you! I'm not shell-shocked! Say that again to me and see what happens…"

I respond as I inch closer and closer, "You are, you have PTSD, you show all the symptoms, and until you show otherwise you are not ready to get back to socie-"

I'm interrupted as he punches me in the face, I didn't budge of course, but it did tingle my face a little, but I saw him holding his bruised hand and saying, "fuck you! You cape-wearing fag, I am not going back to that lab!"

Just then I had enough, I was about to grab him when all of a sudden his chest started to glow once again, but this time it looked… intentional, and then he let out a massive nuclear blast directed at me, and that knocked me back several feet.

I was able to plant my feet on the ground, and then I started to slowly push my way forward, as he was focused on me, Wonder Woman had jumped over my head and landed in front of me, both of her arms were crossed in front of her, blocking the nuclear blast, and giving me enough time to try and have a handle on the situation.

But just then, I hear the Flash's familiar lightning crackle, and he soon appears with Batman, now in special gear, but unfortunately, Soldier-boy notices him and calls out, "You! I remember you! Motherfucker!"

He was charging up another Blast but Jerome quickly ran up to him, he was punching him quickly in several places, it seemed to distract him more than anything, but then Soldier-boy had enough and backhanded him away into the nearest wall.

I was about to fly out to him, but the radiation had made me a bit disoriented, my body was adapting to it still, but I was not going to let it stop me, ran up to Bruce, but then Bruce pulled out a Batarrang and aimed it at Soldier-boy, who at this point, looked at the unconscious Jerome laying on the ground, and said, "if I'm going down, I'm taking one of you with me!" and aimed his beam at Jerome.

"No!" Batman cried out and rushed Soldier-boy without me noticing, just then he let out his beam, and Bruce took a hit of it.

"NO!" I cried out as I super sped and moved Bruce quickly before he was vaporized, and took the rest of the hit, after the beam died down, I felt I had adapted enough to the energy and rushed Soldier-boy and punched his lights out.

I looked at Bruce to make sure he didn't die, he was alive, but the damage was done, his skin was chard and smoking, and he didn't have long, not thinking twice I grabbed him and carried him bridle style and turned towards wonder woman and said, "make sure he is confined, I want him to stay out for a while."

She simply nodded her head, and I took off at top speed as best I could to the nearest hospital room in the tower, as soon as they saw me holding Batman I said, he has Radiation burns, he was hit directly by Soldier-boy, take care of him, they nodded their head, but then Bruce Grabbed me and said through labored breaths," call…. Alfred… tell… him… protocol… 1." And then his hand dropped.

I was confused at that, but I quickly handed him over to the doctors to take care of him.

I quickly pick up a phone and call up the number to Bruce's mansion, and an old cockney voice answers, "Wayne Manor, How may I be of service?" I quickly recognized Alfred's voice, and I said to him, "Alfred, it's Superman, listen Bruce was hurt, bad, he asked me to tell you, Protocol 1."

The line was quiet for a moment, but then he said, "Understood, and where is Master Wayne now?"

"he is in the Justice Tower's hospital rooms."

"Alright, I'll be there shortly." And then he hung up the call. I looked at the Phone in my hand and blinked, then I put it back in its place.

I was angry at myself for not controlling the situation, so I went outside the Tower after I stepped out, I launched myself up to the sky, as I had reached the stratosphere I let out a massive shout out of my mouth of anger and frustration, it was not entirely enough to reduce my anger, but it helped me a little bit.

I then went back to the tower and went directly to the interrogation Doppelganger was held at, he looked at me, and fear was evident in his eyes, and I told him, "Unfortunately for you, the good cop had stepped outside, now It's just you and me, there are two options you are facing, number one, you are going to Alcatraz, for ohh… I don't know… 10 years?" he physically gulped at that, "or you help me with something, and you get out on probation in 3 years, now how about that?"

He seemed to contemplate that for a moment, and then he asked, "Will I be harmed?" I quickly answer, "No no, nothing like that."

"Will it hurt?"

I look at him and say, "Nothing that you haven't felt before, you see I have this science project I'm conducting, and your shapeshifting abilities are the keys for its success."

He seemed to think about it for a moment and then answered, "Alright, I'm in."

I nod my head and say, "Good, we start tomorrow." And I walk out of the room.

I make my way to the 32nd floor, and I help out the cleaning crew put things back in place, Elly Lerman is there already, and he starts doing his work, he concentrates on the energy that is in the air, and starts to convert the radioactive particles in the air to harmless regular particles that would be harmless to humans.

After he is done, he clutches his stomach, this took a lot out of him, and I can't blame him, I walk to him and say, "You did good kid, I'll make sure they give something to it."

He nods his head and walks off with War Angel, and I see that not only did he clear the air, but he also put everything back together, saving us time and money and renovations.

Soon Alfred arrives at the tower, and I'm there to see him, my face is crestfallen as I see him and I say, "Alfred… I-I-I am so sorry-" he cuts me off and he says, "Where is he?"

I blink a little in surprise, but then I say, "Oh he is in the medical ward, come with me and I'll show you." I say to him as I gesture for him to follow.

Soon we arrive at the hospital room Bruce is in, and I look at Alfred, and I'm holding my breath at his expression, what Alfred is experiencing is basically his son being injured badly, and no one wants to experience that.

Then he doesn't even look at me as he says, "Let me in there."

I'm surprised at that, and my brows shoot up at that, and I ask, "I'm sorry?"

He turns to me and asks, "Did I stutter? If not, I want you to let me in to see my son!"

I nod my head, and say," Sure, just first I need you to wear protective gear."

He nods his head in understanding and proceeds to follow me to the dressing room, where he puts on the radiation gear.

I stay outside the room as he enters the medical room, the medical staff that was there tending to Bruce looks at me, and I gesture with my head for them to leave the room, and after they do so Alfred thanks me.

I nod my head and then turn my head a little in a show of respect, but then I notice that Alfred pulls out a syringe filled with a blue liquid, I am about to interfere but then I see Bruce look at me and shake his head, and I stay my hand.

Alfred gently turns Bruce on his back, and takes the syringe, and sticks it in Bruce's back, at first Bruce's face contorts in pain, but then I see something incredible, the burns on his skin start to mend themselves slowly, as Bruce's face turns to the of annoyance as now I'm sure he feels immense itchiness.

Then he lays back on his back, and Alfred leaves the room, he stops next to me and says, "Thank you for looking after him."

I look at him, eyebrows raised, and say, "But I wasn't able to help, aren't you mad at me?"

He shakes his head and says, "You might be able to do much, but you're not a god, I don't blame you for failing to prevent that from happening, I'm just thankful you were able to give him help in time." He finishes by grepping my shoulder, and then he lets go as he walks off.

I am left there for a moment, contemplating what was said, and then I just make my way back to my room in Justice Tower.

I arrive at my room, and I am greeted by the sight of the naked Annie and Lois waiting for me in my bed, and Lois says, "Well we figured after the day you had, that you needed a little… stress relief."

***Lemon scene start***

I take my clothes off quickly, and I climb into bed right in the middle of the two women who now both hug my frame.

I start by kissing Annie slowly, turned passionately, my hand immediately goes down to her pussy, and I start by rubbing her lips, soliciting a moan of pleasure from her throat as we still kiss, I then stop, and turn my head towards Lois, and then starts to kiss her as well, my hand goes down to her ass cheek and I grab it, making her moan as well.

I then stop, and the girls understand, both of them come closer to my erect member, and Annie starts by opening her mouth, and taking the whole thing inside her throat, she starts sucking it like there's no tomorrow, and she starts making these gagging sounds that drive me crazy.

But then she pulls out, and Lois starts to lick my cock until her mouth envelops it completely, and she starts to bob her head up and down, and she also makes the gagging sounds, and I thank god for my superhuman stamina because, at this point, I would've cum already.

Then she stops, takes my dick out her mouth, and both she and Annie starts licking my shaft, and then I say, "I think it's your turn now." And they smile and say," Whatever you say."

Then we positioned ourselves, Lois lays down on her back, legs spread wide open, Annie's head facing her pussy as her legs are raised up, and I'm and the back of Annie, I press my face at Annie's pussy and start eating her out, and she moans in pleasure as she starts eating Lois out as well, as I eat Annie out, I insert one of my fingers into her pussy, and start fingering her, she moans even louder, and then she starts to shudder, and my finger feels even wetter, and I realized that she came, I smile and says, "now you're read." And I stand up, and with her still in the doggy-style position I place my hard member inside her wet pussy, and she moans in pleasure.

I start thrusting my hips back and forth, and then Lois moans as she cum, I smile and start thrusting faster, and I even spank Annie's ass.

She moans in pleasure at that, and I smile, but then she moans even louder and shudders so much to the point that even I can't hold it in and I ejaculate inside of her, I pull out of her, she breaths heavily and she falls unto the bed, and lays on the bed, covered in sweat.

After I moment where I catch my breath, Lois looks at me and says, "My turn." And I smile at that and say, "I want you to spread your ass cheeks apart." And she obeys me, and I grab my cock, and press it to her anus, and after a few gentle presses, it enters her asshole, and I stay there for a few moments, and after I feel her anus had settled around my cock, I start thrusting back and forth, she moans in pleasure, and I start thrusting even faster, and I spank her ass and she moans in pleasure.

And then I feel I'm about to cum, and because I don't know what would happen if I ejaculated in her anus, even if she's a supe, I pull out her asshole, and I enter her pussy, she moans again, as she yells, "I'm Cumming!" and I fell her body shudder, and I am soon to follow as again I come inside her pussy.

***end of lemon scene***

I lay there in bed with Annie and Lois, all three of us are covered in a sheen of sweat, after we caught our breaths, we started making our way to the shower, and after that, we were sleeping in bed.

***the next day***

I woke up with the still naked bodies of Annie and Lois lying next to me, and then I started to slowly levitate out of the bed so as to not wake them up.

As I slowly landed out of the bed, and started to dress in my Superman outfit, and then I received a call from Kelex, "sir, it's about the other Kal El."

"yes Kalex, what is it?"

"there has been several strange energy fluctuations on the planet Mars, and he had requested your presence immediately."

 I think about it for a moment, and then I say, "Alright, tell him I'll be there within several hours."

"But sir, he says you only have one t most."

My eyes widen at that, my ships aren't that fast, by then I look at myself and think, -well I've never really tried to fly that fast before."

And then I say to Kelex, "Alright Kelex, make sure everyone who is on the need-to-know list knows where I've gone to, that includes Ry-el."

It replies, "understood sir." And then it is cut off.

I make my way to the top of the tower, I crouch down, and I look up at the sky, and at that moment I can't help but play in my head the 'First Flight' score from 'Man of Steel'.

I then jump up at half the force, as I do not want to break the building. But it is still enough to shake it.

I start pushing myself harder and harder, and I soon break the sound barrier, and before I know it, I have completely broken out of the atmosphere, I look out at the vast emptiness of space, and remembering the direction of Mars, I point my fists forward to that direction, and I start flying.

Flying through space gave me a piece of information I had never known, I could fly much faster since there wasn't any air resistance, so I pushed myself even harder.

After 15 minutes, I had found myself hovering above Mars, now a much thicker atmosphere, I started to land, and I was quickly greeted by CW, and after noticing we were alone, I asked, "Hey Kal-El, what has been happening here?"

He looks behind me and simply says, "This."

At first, I didn't understand, and then I turned around and saw it, it was a big swirling blue portal of sorts and then he said, "I think It's time for me to return home, my wife and sons are waiting for me."

I then turn my head back to him and ask, "Will I ever see you again?"

He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Who knows? The multiverse works in mysterious ways, if it has led me to you once, it might do so again."

I extended my hand forward in a clasping half-hug motion, and CW had caught up to what I was doing and clasped it back, and I gave him a quick bro hug and said to him, "Thank you, you have no idea how much you have helped me."

After we broke the hug, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sure you would've done the same to me."

I nodded my head and said to him as he started to make his way into the portal, "Send my regards to your family!" he smiled at me and said, "I will! And make sure to send my love to Ryan!" and he entered the portal, soon after that, the portal closed, and I was standing there, in a field that had green moss starting to slowly cover the ground, thinking what would I do next.

(A/N Hey there everyone!! I am back with another chapter!

Now after the last chapter, someone in the comments mentioned that you had gotten a lemon scene with Homelander, but not with the MC, and you are right, so here it is!

And as some of you had mentioned after I asked whether or not to give Batman compound V powers, you said to do it as a last resort after a serious injury, so here we go!

Honestly, I wasn't expecting to have a new chapter ready this fast, so be sure to let me know what your thoughts are in the comments.

and to all my jewish readers out there, happy purim!

Until next time! You guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!)