Catching Prey, Removing a Soul, and Mint (1/3)

The men stood shoulder to shoulder, bracing against what was coming. Alaric curled and uncurled his fingers at his sides. Sparks of blue-white energy crackled at his fingertips.

Rowan tapped the back of his brother's hand. "Don't waste it."

"Damn it." Alaric flexed his fingers, but Rowan could tell his brother knew he was right. "What do you see?"

"Nothing yet. But it's close." Rowan frowned. "There's something in the shadows."

"That's not possible."

"I think it's time we stop saying things aren't possible. Clearly something has changed. And if Ciprian isn't going to figure out what's wrong, I will."

Lili's words about the lack of balance and the layer of Disorder that had tainted Ciprian's room surfaced briefly in Rowan's thoughts before he forced his attention back where it belonged.