Choosing Sides (2/3)

A warmth blossomed in Rowan's chest. He would sever ties with every last one of them before he cast out Wren, but it would be nice to keep the friends he only recently gained. "I want to believe that, as well, but I can't if you intend to hurt Wren."

"I don't. I've had enough time to think, and though I am wary, I am willing to try things your way. We both are. But it will take time."

"Does he ever get tired of you speaking for him?"

"When he does, he makes his displeasure known." Lysander smiled again.

At that moment, Nicasi's horse burst from the trees, emerging from the undergrowth at the side of the trail in a flurry of dust and scattered leaves. Lysander smoothed away his smile and stared straight ahead, not even casting a glance over his shoulder at the scowling man behind him.