Revealing(2/4) - R18

Rowan's body always responded to even the slightest hint of Wren's desire, but with it revealed fully like this, blazing in those eyes that saw only him and falling from the lips that frustrated him day and night, he felt like he was jumping into a fire that could never burn hot enough to completely satisfy his need to be consumed.

Wren wasn't the only one who couldn't wait any longer.

Rowan unfastened Wren's belt and slipped his hand down the front of his pants, tracing the length of Wren's arousal with his fingertips as he debated the best approach to getting it inside him. 

Wren fell back in the grass on his elbows, chest heaving slightly as his breathing quickened. When his hips lifted in a silent request for more, Rowan found his own breaths coming faster in response.

The frayed edges of Wren's voice slid through Rowan's ears. "I'll be at your mercy for as long as you want. But please…just be merciful."