A Good Person, an Insult, and a Shopping Trip (2/2)

Mara's mouth fell open. She'd been listening quietly to the conversation, her eyes darting back and forth between Loma and Wren as he poured out his pain over Yamm's neglect.

Rowan resisted the urge to drag his chair to Wren's side and hug him. Instead he settled for watching the sadness and anger cross over Wren's face and wishing he could do something to share that burden or heal the pain altogether.

Suddenly that became more important to him than any poison or creature, and certainly more important than the Order ever was.

When silence fell for a heartbeat over the table, Mara's bright gaze landed on Wren. She couldn't possibly understand how rare it was for him to open up, and her face shone with even more admiration than before. "Your father  is a god."

"Yes." Wren smiled at her, but his eyes were frozen amber. "And he will make sure I never forget it."