Suffering and Support (1/1)

Rowan stumbled out of the shadows with Nicasi as the Orderly plane took shape around them. He thought for certain this time he would land on his face instead of his back, but Nicasi kept him on his feet with a firm grip under his arm.

While he struggled to regain his balance, Rowan clung to the adept a little more tightly than he would have preferred considering they'd just argued about whether he was strong enough to travel this way instead of through the woods like Alaric and Lysander were doing.

One had gone to retrieve Kit, the other Willow. They'd all decided on Rowan's behalf that the healer would go with him. Even if his magic made the distance between the branches almost nonexistent for all of them now, it was still faster to travel between the worlds, so that's what he insisted on doing, with or without his escort.

Or at least he thought it would be faster.

Rowan shook his head when his liminal vision cleared. "I didn't take us far enough."