Purging (2/2)

Of course, fixing anything at all meant that Rowan would need to be alive and in his actual physical body to do so. Right now, he wasn't quite dead, but he felt like he might as well be.

"I need to know…what's going to happen to me?"

Rowan's shoulders sagged. His throat was still raw from all the singing he'd done while battling the creature, and he winced when the sandpaper feel of his voice made him cough.

At the pained sound, Ozul extended an arm into the darkest part of the shadows against the wall. In the blink of an eye, his form poured into it through that outstretched limb, completely disappearing from the room in an inky-smooth flow of movement. It happened so quickly and silently, Rowan wouldn't even have noticed it if he didn't happen to be looking at Ozul while he coughed.

"You sound awful." Yamm stated as if it were a divine revelation, paying no heed to Rowan's question.