Pastries and Progress (1/2)

"Oh…it appears we've reached the new dining room." A puzzled expression appeared on Yamm's face when the hallway deposited them into the room.

This wasn't the first room Yamm had seemed surprised to discover as he led them around the labyrinthine halls of the palace on his tour. Apparently, the god had a habit of using his divine powers to reshape the interior of his residence, inserting rooms as inspiration struck heedless of any sort of logical layout. 

This had resulted in a total of eight libraries, five atriums filled with water fountains and marble sculptures of Yamm in different poses, and a handful of indoor gardens. And that's just what Rowan had counted so far.

Yamm had been very proud of the gardens in particular, going out of his way to show Rowan the different flowers that grew in this realm and bragging about his collection immortal white peacocks that lived there.