The Accident

I did all Carl asked me to sort out before my trip and was ready to retire home,

"I have done all necessary tasks, I'd love to be on my way now" I said dismissing myself from the office

"After the meeting on Friday you can take the following week to be with your mom and step dad, I'd be giving myself a break as well so there won't be any urgent work for you to do at the office, besides Andrea will resume next Monday and would have all urgent task handled"

Carl was explaining but I was calculating the days in my head, if he was taking a week off, it was definitely for his honeymoon.

Probably he would go to Paris the city of love or maybe the beach

"Did you hear all I said Melanie?" Carl asked bringing me out of my thought

"Yes sir, I heard you and properly understand all you've said"

"Great, you are free to leave then"

"Good night Boss" I said and left the office building

I packed a bag for the trip ahead of me, I did not know why Carl was sending me to close these deals, but I was grateful for it, at least it afforded me some time to be with mom for a while.

As I sat in the plane for the trip to San Antonio, all I could think of was Mark, as much as I did not like him, I was grateful for him, he helped mom recover from her grieving after dad died.

I remembered clearly that day as though it was yesterday.

Dad kissed my forehead as he set out to the office that morning, he was an editor for Johnson's publishing house, he loved his job.

Mom didn't want him to go to the office that morning as that day was the first day of his official leave, but dad insisted he had to help finish editing a paper that day before he can finally settle and enjoy the break.

He even promised mom that they were going to go for a vacation wherever she wanted, so she should spend the rest of the day deciding.

I was in my first year in the university and had just concluded my first set of examinations. I decided to spend a few weeks at home before returning back to school.

Mom and I were home making dinner for dad that evening, dad was running late, and mom was restless. She called his phone several times but he was not taking his calls.

Then mom's phone rang, the caller said she was dad's first contact on his emergency list.

Dad had been involved in an accident, we got the details of the hospital he was moved into and rushed there.

When we arrived, dad was in the theater, after the surgery we could barely see him, he was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU).

Dad spent days there, the doctor said he was in a coma, the accident affected his brain, he bumped his head badly.

We waited for day, we waited for him to wake up, mom was broken, and in an instant, the love of her life was swiftly slipping away from her.

I wanted dad to wake up, I needed him to kiss my forehead and call me his princess.

I wanted him to wake up and take mom on the vacation he had promised her.

Mom suffered everyday waiting for dad to wake up, for him to open his eyes, she dozed off on the hospital chair on those nights, hoping to wake up and discover that it has been all a long bad dream and dad was home, healthy and strong.

However, that day never came.

That dreadful morning, we looked at dad's shrinking face, he was growing lean. I had been counting, that day was the 9th day after the accident.

We stood there and watched as dad's heart stopped beating.

I dried up the tears on my face, and adjusted myself on the seat.

Mark came along a year after dad's death, he facilitated mom's grief process, and two years later, they got married.

I knew mom wasn't over dad, I knew she couldn't be really happy with Mark.

I didn't want Mark to discover that mom didn't love him, I didn't want him to hurt her if he proved to be inpatient with her grieving process, but mom was adamant on marrying him.

A part of me felt mom was getting married to Mark so we would not go through any major financial crisis, and I did not want her to feel she had to do that.

I could take care of myself and her, and to proof that, I stayed away from her and Mark, so I would not be a financial burden and proof to her that I could take care of myself.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the airhostess announced that we should fasten our seatbelt, the plane was landing.

I checked into the hotel and had my shower.

I didn't inform mom about my trip, since I was around I decided to call.

"Hello Mom, how are you doing?"

"Mel dear it's great you called, I'm fine"

"How is Mark?"

"He is awake; he was able to eat this morning, better than he did yesterday"

"Oh that's an improvement'

"I hope it is an improvement Mel, but I'm stronger now, Andrew says hello, he is here with


"Send my love to him, what hospital is Mark?"

"Kindred Hospital, why do you ask?'

"Just want to be sure it is a good hospital" I lied not wanting to tell her I was around yet

"Oh it is dear, thanks for worrying"

"I have to go now, take care of you mom"

"I will Mel, I love you"

For over three years, I did not see mom, I was hoping the next time we would see would be when I was ready to face her, so she will not see me as the young girl she needs to protect.

I did not want to see her under this present circumstance, but she needed me, so I was going to pay a visit to the hospital.

I ordered a cab to the hospital.

"Hello, please what room is Mark Miller, I'm his step daughter"

It's the first time I used the step daughter phase, I never liked it, but in this situation it was necessary.

I was directed to the room Mark was in, I looked through the small glass attached to the door and I saw mom talking to Andrew. I had seen Andrew only once and that was at the wedding, so I gave a gentle knock on the door and went in.

The look on mom's face was priceless.

"Mel, what are you doing here, you didn't tell me you were in this part of Texas, when did you come in, oh my, you look so skinny, have you been eating? Why are your eyes pale?

Have you been getting any sleep? Is work stressful? Is your boss treating you nicely? Where are you working now?" she threw in a million questions all in one breathe.

"Mom, I'm fine, we will talk about me later'

"Hello Andrew, how are you doing? How is Mark?"

"Hello Melanie, I'm just here, Mark is an old guy, he is fine"

We spoke concerning Mark's health, he was asleep, and the doctor said it was lung cancer, it had spread badly, but they are hopeful he will live longer, maybe a few more months.

"Mel, what are you doing in San Antonio?" Mom asked

"I'm on a business trip"

"Where are you working now?"

"Mason Realty, Texas No1 Real Estate Company"

"Why do you look so lean?"

"I'm not lean mom; I've been eating very well"

"Since when did you start working there Mel?"

"It's barely a month mom, but the pay is good"

"is your boss single?"

"He is engaged to be married soon mom"

"Hope he is not passing any advances at you because I know how all these rich men can be..."

Andrew coughed at this.

"Are you insinuating I fall under this category?" Andrew asked her, giving her a baby face

"No Andrew, you were well raised"

Andrew smiled like a kid who had been handed his favorite candy

"Well mom, he is not like that, we rarely even see" I lied

"That's better, if he tries anything funny Mel, forget the pay and leave his company, do you understand?"

"Yes mom, I understand you perfectly well"

"How can't he make advances at Melanie? She's too cute" Andrew said


mom and I said at the same time, he laughed and threw both hands in the air

"Don't worry, I won't go around seducing someone's else fiancé let alone my boss" I tried telling myself that I was not the one that seduced Carl, he was the one that seduced me.

"Seriously Mel, if you need a job there is always space for you at Mark and Andrew's company"

"Mom, I don't want to be a bother, I'm fine"

"You can never be a bother Melanie, we would be happy to have your intellect as an addition to the company," Andrew said,

"and Mom, stop calling it Mark and Andrew's company, it is the family's company and you are a part of this family as much as Melanie also is."