Much More Sex

"Kiss me" I said to Carl as I finished my meal and dumped the dishes in the sink.

I stand on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his neck.

I then tug his bottom lips between mine.

I do not ever want to stop being with this man.

My panties dampen as we kept the kissing going.

We kiss our way out of the kitchen to the bedroom, his hand trails up and clutches my breast.

He pushes me to the bed and spreads my legs swiftly to give him access.

He grounds his erection into the area between my thighs, sending electric through my body.

My panty clad body shivered defenselessly under his body.

His large calloused hand grabs my left boob, rolling my aroused point between his finger.

He sends me a look so dark, clouded with passion before swooping down and capturing the hard little button.

With his other hand, he squeezes my right breast.

His teeth scrape my bud and I let out a husky moan from my mouth.

I run my hand over his back and ass.

I pull hard as he grinds the tent straining against my wet, hot cunt.

He uses his finger to spread my pussy lips.

"Are you ready?" Carl asked for the very first time in all our love making experience.

I nodded my head even if I said no, the angry monster standing erect would not have let me go.

His large tip pushes against my slit and I suddenly realize he's not wearing a durex, I push his hard body away.

"Don't stop me" he growled at me, like a dog whose bone was about to be taken away.

'Durex" I breathed out.


"Condom stupid'

I sneered at him

"Fuck that" He said annoyed and pushed into me harder.

"No Carl, stop" I tried closing my legs but he opened them wildly.

'Stop Carl' I said trying to do a mental calculation if I was on my safe period or not.

He pulled out, picked up a durex, tore at it angrily and slid it on.

He came back to the bed, and slid his hot dick into my cunt.

"Happy now?" he asked as he pounded me faster, sliding in and out mercilessly at me.

"Carl if you are going to be rough on me just stop, because I don't know what is your problem"

He did not respond to me, but he did stop being rough, and went gentle on me, then faster until I was close.

He came before me and pulled out

He went to the bathroom to wash off, while I laid in bed angry.

What was his problem?

I laid in bed angrily.

The moment he got back and claimed on the bed, I went to the bathroom.

I placed my leg on the toilet seat and slid one finger into my wetness, I wasn't going to get any sleep until I came.

I closed my eyes and moaned quietly to the pleasure my finger was giving me,

I slid a second finger inside and moaned loudly not caring if Carl heard me.

With my free hand, I played with my breast.

"It's never going to be like me" Carl said from behind me, I didn't hear him come in.

I totally ignored him and let out several fake moans.

He pulled my hands out from my clitoris and slid two fingers into me,

I suppressed a moan, but he was so good at what he was doing that I decided to enjoy it and allow the moans flow.

He bit my left nipples and sucked on it as his finger kept driving me crazy,

I was gradually losing my balance.

He pulled out his fingers and I cried from denied pleasure.

He pulled me to the room and pushed me on the bed.

He handed me a durex and I wore it over his erect penis with shaky hands

Kneel down he said, I obediently knelt on the bed, he slid his dick into my clitoris from behind and fucked me hard.

I came, he allowed me catch my breath for a few seconds then pounded on me again.

He spanked my ass and drove me to orgasm.

I cried from swells of pleasure.

Carl let out a growl, stiffen and poured his seed.

I lay in bed satisfied.

Carl went to the bathroom then came back to join me.

I was already falling into sleep.

He cuddled with me and soon I drifted into sleep.

I jumped up from the bed and raced to the bathroom as I emptied the contents in my stomach.

Why was I feeling sick this morning?

Carl joined me in the bathroom, he patted my back as I threw up the contents I had eaten last night.

When I finished up, he flushed and helped washed my face. I brushed my teeth to prevent having a bad taste in my mouth.

I went back to bed and covered myself with the duvet.

"I'll call the doctor" Carl said.

"Don't please, don't, I think it's probably because I drank on an empty stomach or because I ate late at night.

I'd be fine"

"You look pale Melanie"

he said and for a moment I thought he was worried.

"I'm fine Carl, stop bothering me"

I said and turned away from him.

"Do you want me to cook you something?"

"I'm not hungry" I didn't even look at him, for an unexplainable reason I was mad at him.

His phone rang and he stepped out of the room to take the call.

I could barely hear him, but I could hear a few things.

"What do you want?

That's not your business, id come back when I want to, no don't cook for me"

I distracted myself not wanting to hear him talk to his wife, it was his wife I am sure.

I picked up my phone and saw a notification and two missed calls.

I looked at the missed calls first, one was from mom, the other was from Andrew.

I decided to call mom first.

I was so worried and thinking it was probably something wrong with Mark, I changed my mind and called Andrew first.

"Good morning Andrew, I missed your call" Carl came into the room, gave me a devilish look, dressed up swiftly and left my apartment without saying a word.

What is wrong with him?

"Melanie, are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here, what did you say?"

"I said I called to check up on you, how was your trip yesterday?"

"It was fine, my flight was delayed, but it went smooth"

"That's great to hear, I have a good news for you"

"Wow, what is it?'

"Mom called, said dad is feeling much better, I think the vacation is doing him good"

"I'm glad to hear that"

"Me too, I also have another news"

"What is it?"

"So we settled everything, and we've agreed to get married in three months time"

"Wow that is great news, I'm so happy for you Andrew"

"Thank you for listening to me that day, speaking to you brought me relief, it was when I spoke to you that I realize that I really loved her and was willing to go forever with her."

"oh Andrew, I'm happy for you"

"Bye Melanie"

"Bye Andrew, thanks for calling"

After speaking to Andrew I decided to call mom, since I was sure Mark was fine at the moment.

I also didn't want to think about the reason why Carl left angrily, probably his wife said something to annoy him.

I was feeling nauseous and went to throw up again.

Maybe I should get to see a doctor.

I rinsed my face and went to the kitchen to look for what ever could make me feel better.

I settled for chocolate tea.

The scent of the boiling chocolate made me feel better.

As I sipped from my mug, I dialed mom's line

"Hello Mel"

"Hey mom, sorry I missed your call, I slept in late and my phone was on vibration so I did not hear it ring, how are you and Mark"

"Mark and I are doing well, mark feels stronger today so we have a whole lot of activity planned out for Paris, but we are going to take them one after another.

I don't want to overwhelm Mark, so we can avoid a relapse"

"Enjoy yourselves, you both deserve it, and I'm glad to hear that Mark is feeling much better,

please say hi to him for me"

After the call, I washed off the mug and decided to do some laundry.

I was feeling a bit weak, but I didn't want to call the doctor just yet.

I was still on the laundry when my phone rang

"Hello Melanie"

"Andrea, how are you doing?" I asked as I heard Andrea speak from the other end.

"I'm fine and you?"

"I'm great, how is Stephen?"

"He is fine, I thought to check up on you since you were looking stressed out at the wedding,

how are you feeling now?"

"I feel sick, but I know I'll be fine"

"Maybe you should see a doctor" Andrea


"I will if need be, thanks Andrea"

"Let me know if you can't be at the office tomorrow, and I'd cover for you"

"I don't think that would be necessary, I hope it doesn't get to that point, thanks Andrea"

"Bye Melanie, d take care of yourself, and let me know if you need me to come over"

"I will, bye"