Melanie I need an answer from you now,"

Carl scolded me.

"I have an infection, it is not contagious and I am already treating it," I lied

"Are you telling me the truth?"

Carl asked giving me a look that showed he didn't believe me

"Do I have any reason to lie to you about my health?"

"That's better then, I got worried thinking it was something worst"

"Thanks for worrying, I'm fine," I said finishing my chocolate tea.

"I need to go by my house so I can get ready for work, you can take the day off if it's necessary but we have loads of tasks ahead of us"

"I'll be there"

"Bye Melanie,"

He kissed me and left the house

I had my bath and got ready for work, when I was ready to leave the house I felt dizzy.

I decided to call Andrea that I'd be coming in late as I need to run by the hospital.

Andrea wasn't taking her call, Carl was home and I didn't want to call him when I know he would be with Floral, so I decided to just head to the office then fix an appointment with the doctor.

I grabbed some toast at the breakfast shop on my way to work.

Carl had arrived when I got to the building, 'does this man even stay in his house?' I asked myself.

I gave him his usual morning coffee and placed one of the toasts I had purchased beside it.

He was too busy with some paperwork to pay attention to the tray or notice what I had done.

I sat on my desk and did some personal work, I checked my email nothing important, I booked an appointment with the doctor, and I checked out for a cheap car I could afford to pay for.

After which I started the company's work

"Come in" I responded to the knock on the door.

"Melanie, let's have lunch together" Andrea said as she stepped into the office.

"That's fine by me, call me during lunch break"

"It's lunch break already work alcoholic"

"That name suits the boss' I smiled as I got up from my desk to join Andrea.

"Marriage has been treating you real good baby girl"

I said as we settled with our lunch

"I invited you for a lunch break to talk about you, note, what has been going on with you?'

"Nothing, I'm totally fine" I lied

"Don't give me the nothing type of reply Melanie, talk to me"

"Well I'm worried about my stepdad, he has cancer"

"I'm sorry about that Melanie, but I know that is the least of what is bothering you"

"Tell me about Sarah"

"We are talking about you, not Sarah"

"Well the thing is, she came by the apartment yesterday and warned me to stay away from Carl"

"Oh, did you tell the boss?"

"No," I lied

"I think she is harmless, she's just drooling over Mr. Mason, and she has been doing that for years"

"Hasn't boss taken a notice of this?'

"He knows, but he totally ignores her, I think you should let him know that she is disturbing you, we might be wrong, maybe she is now obsessed with him and can try anything stupid"

"I'll let him know then"

"Your new haircut looks great on you, although I love the hair look better"

"It will grow back in no time"

"Have you seen a doctor yet?"

"I have an appointment tomorrow, can you cover for me for a while, before I get back?"

"You don't want to inform the boss?"

"I don't think it is necessary"

"Melanie, what is wrong? You can talk to me"

"I'm pregnant"

"How long?" Andrea asked excitedly

"Some four weeks I think"

"Why did you say it like you are unhappy about it?"

"I am unhappy about it"

"Why is that?"

"I'm pregnant for the wrong person Andrea"

"What do you mean wrong person?"

"He does not love me"

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Melanie, does he know about the pregnancy?"

"No, he does not"

"Don't you think he deserves to know, maybe he would have a change of heart?"

"I can't use a baby to make him change his mind"

"He still deserves to know"

""He doesn't Andrea"

"He does Melanie"

"He is married"

"So what? You Still have to tell him, if he doesn't love you, he will not keep banging you to the point of getting you pregnant, he would have been extra careful"

"Maybe he thought I was on pills or something"

"No excuses, tell him, Melanie"

"Not yet, I will when I am ready"

"You will never be ready, even if the pregnancy shows after a few weeks; you will still deny to his face that he is the father of the baby."

I said nothing because she was right,

I 'd probably come up with an excuse, maybe tell him I got pregnant for someone else and that it is none of his business, I might even be away from Texas by then.

"Lunch break is over, let's get back to work" I said shying away from the topic.

"Melanie, you are not alone, I am here for you if you need a friend to talk to"

"Thank you, Andrea, your support means a lot to me"

I had a lot to do at the office, I was so exhausted, I closed late, and all I wanted to do was have a hot bath and sleep.

I opened the door of the apartment and switched on the light bulb.

"Well well well, the goddess is back, what kept you so long?"

I turned around scared, I recognize the voice of that bastard so well

"What are you doing here and how did you get in?"

I asked my hands on the doorknob

"So many questions baby, why did you get back from work late?"

"Don't call me baby, and I owe you no explanation"

"You have gotten a sharper tongue than you had over the years"

"Get out of my house"

"You are mine"

"You are sick"

"I sick in love with you baby, and that is a good thing"

I turned the doorknob and turned to run away, I slipped and fell, hitting my head hard on the floor

I woke up to a bad headache and a stiff body.

I was in a moving vehicle. My mouth tied with a small piece of cloth, I could talk, but I could not shout or scream aloud, my hands tied to my back, my legs also tied.

I opened my eyes and was greeted to complete blindness, I had a blindfold.

"Let me go you bastard"

"You are mine"

"I am not yours"

"You were mine, you are still mine, and you will always be mine baby"

"Stop calling me that you asshole, how did I not notice you were insane"

"How would you notice anything, you were dumb, stupid, and in love with me"

"I'm not in love with you, get that into your head"

"You will learn to love me again baby; I have waited so long for you, craved you, and watched you"

" You have been watching me?"

"Yes, I have been watching you, waiting for the best chance to come back into your life, I saw that idiot you call your boss come in and out of your house, I waited for my chance"

"Were you really the pizza guy?"

"You are getting smart, I wasn't, I saw the pizza guy approaching and I decided it was the perfect time to reintroduce myself to you my love"

"Oh my goodness, you killed the pizza guy"

"No no, I didn't kill him, I let him go after I had delivered the pizza to you, my baby, I then returned his shirt and cap, he was a generous boy, he received only a few punches."

"You are heartless"

"No, my dear, I am a happy man in love'

This bastard is insane, he is out of his senses, how do I escape this? Will mom call? Maybe Andrew will call, perhaps Sarah will come to threaten me again.

Andrea might call to check up on me, or Carl could come to spend the night and realize that I have been kidnapped.

"I know what you might be thinking; no one will think you have been kidnapped, I forged your handwriting and wrote a note telling them no one should look for you that you wanted a break from all the tension around you and you will be back when you are ready"

"You are so stupid, are you so dumb? That is a distress letter; they will come looking for me as soon as they find that note"

"Don't be a fool, you think so highly of yourself, no one cares about you so much, no one will come looking"

He was probably right, Carl did not love me, he did not care about me so much, I did not have a best friend.

Andrew rarely calls me, I also do not call mom regularly, no one who really cares about me will figure out that I am missing until a long time.

Mom is the only one who really cares, and she wouldn't leave a sick Mark to come find out why her only beloved daughter has not been calling her.

What was he planning to do to me? Why was he back after all this years?

What did he want from me? How was I going to escape from him?

"Where are we going to?"

"A place where no one will bother us"