It had been three moths since Alec was born and the only things he had done were eat,sleep and shit in r epeat. He was so bored and the system was silent for some unknown reason. He began to panic as he thought that the system had left him. This caused Alec to be depressed for a whole month, this caused his family to panic as the always docile baby with a rigid routine refused to breastfeed and just stared into space blankly. His parents were beside themselves with worry and fretted on him alot. They took him to the hospital where nothing was found amiss and his mother started weeping silently for she feared for the life of her little baby. The little infant was rapidly losing weight and would not eat.
It was Patricia's soft weeping that brought Alec back from his depression. For the first time, he faced this new family that seemed to love him for no reason and stopped avoiding them. As he looked at this beautiful lady who was his mother, Alec made up his mind to integrate into this new world. He held her finger with his hands and said goodbye to Alec the bastard, henceforth, he would be Almon Levin Weinberg.
True to his word Almon mad an effort to integrate into this new world. He found this world to be similar to earth in the 1960s however it was a complete parallel time and space. Most countries were similar to earth yet historical events and people were different. Most works of art, music, movies, books,celebrities etc that existed on earth did not exist here. This meant that he possessed countless advantages due to his never forgetting memory in his previous life. He could remember countless books he had read and any of them would be a huge advantage to him. Almon didn't think he was stealing anyone's work as the works and authors ninety-nine percent didn't exist in this time and space.
As the months progressed and Almon became a toddler he began to show his intelligence to his parents. He uttered his first words at seven months to the utter delight of his mother. He was walking at nine months thanks to the primary gene solution. In fact he could have walked earlier but didn't want to seem like a monster. By age one he was able to converse with his grandfather in German and English. He had just picked up learning Hebrew phrases from his maternal grandmother and was quickly assimilating himself to life here when he heard the long lost sound.
[Ding!Congratulations host for passing the hidden task assimilate in this world within a year. Reward:Charisma,10 points]
"Jerry, my God! Where the hell have you been? You were gone for months?!"Almon was shocked by the sudden appearance of this friend who had kept him company in this world. He was also angry at the system since it was its first true friend yet it left him.
[Host the disappearance of this system is mandatory otherwise you would never face up to you relatives and thus never really integrate in this world. You passed the system test with flying colours and thus are a qualified host.]
"What would have happened if I had failed?"
[You would have died as your adult soul would revolt an infant body. You had to pass this test on your own and pass the hurdle in your heart.]
"So what now?" As he asked this a holographic screen appeared before his eyes.It had a personal panel,missions,mall and lottery buttons.Almon pressed on the the personal panel button and the screen showed his stats:
Name:Almon Levin Weinberg
Age:1 year
Physique:10(human pinnacle)
[The mission button is for tasks for the host to accomplish. The mall is for purchasing anything the host requires with the points awarded from tasks completed. The lottery is divided into twice a year on the host current and previous birthdays. They may be a lucky draw for a completing a hidden task]
"So what is my main mission?"
[Main Mission 1: (lifetime) To be the richest man ever
Rewards:Various rewards will be given after each is accomplished milestone
Main Mission 2: (40 YEARS) Set up a family consortia
Rewards:rewards to be given after each accomplished milestone
Main Mission 3:(40 YEARS) Have sufficient political and economical influence globally
rewards:rewards to be given after each accomplished milestone]
"So I am to understand that my main mission is to be a sort of economic titan?"
[Yes.However the main mission take long and as such you will mainly be dealing with side missions henceforth called tasks.The tasks are not compulsory and you can choose to accomplish the mission as you deem fit]
[Task 1:Learn how to read and write(remember you dont know how to)
Reward:Poker face
Task 2:Read the children stories of this world
Reward: Writing skills, 2 points
Task 3:Learn an instrument
Reward:Music Appreciation, 2 points
Time period 4 years]
Almon accepted all the tasks as they seemed a good way to pass the years. It wasn't like he was going to start earning money at age one or two.
The next four years passed by in such a boring manner for Almon. He learned the piano, the guitar and the violin. He read children books and books in all languages he learnt.He received all the systematic rewards. He spoke three more languages French, Spanish and Russian and was well on his way into learning Chinese from a former Qing dynasty student his grandfather found. This teacher was an old man well into his 70s and had said Amon was going to be his last student. The old man Luo would teach him Chinese, chess and chinese calligraphy for the until he was eight years old before he would pass away. This particular teacher taught him so much more than just his lessons, he taught him patience and perseverance. In many ways this very qualities would make him an excellent hunter.
It was in 1968 that he really started marking his mark in this world.
Name:Almon Levin Weinberg
Age:1 year
Physique:10(human pinnacle)
Skills:Charisma,Poker face, Music Appreciation, Writing Skills
Languages:English.German,Hebrew,French,Spanish, Russian,Chinese
[Task:Publish a bestseller within a year
Rewards:100 points]
Looking at the task Almon wondered which book to write first as he had never read any children fairy tales growing up. Hell he could not even afford movie tickets to watch Disney animations, so he pinned all his hopes on the system mall.
As he was about to open the mall the butler informed him that it was time for dinner. He closed the system and went to dine with his family. Truthfully, he still felt out of place, but thanks to years of suppressing his emotions nobody noticed this. His family thought that his personality was relatively cold. Which was one of the reasons why his father agreed with his mother's plea to send him to school. Patricia wanted him to make friends his age. Almon was speechless, he wanted to tell his dear mother he had nothing in common with snot-nosed kids.
As he took his place in the opulent Weinberg dining room, the servants started serving dinner. His grandfather James Weinberg sat at the head of the table with his very elegant grandmother Marie Weinberg at his right side. My father sat to his left with my mother beside him and I opposite them. The Weinberg family was in attendance for tonight's dinner baring my uncle who was in New York for business.
Like most American elite the Weinberg's were into business and politics. James Weinberg was the current mayor of Los Angeles and well on his way to becoming Governor of California. Grandma acted as grandpa's hostess and was involved in numerous charity foundations. Robert Weinberg was a lawyer who would one day follow his father's footsteps into politics and Patricia Levin Weinberg was Vice President in Levin Publishing House, a company set up by her mother Hannah Levin who was the acting CEO.Almon's maternal grandfather,Charles Levin ran a bank in New York. All in all, his family conditions were sufficient for him to earn his first pot of gold.