Part 3: Journey_Five Heroes

Far away, Prince Frog was like a fire, didn't eat well, couldn't sleep for several days, only the image of Princess Snow White in his head.

"Where the hell did that whirlwind take her?" Even the Frog Prince couldn't figure it out.

He suddenly remembered Heny the Wise. Henry is the Prince's servant, and the wisest man in Obsidian. The prince ordered his bodyguard to call Henry to ask where Princess Snow White had been swept away by the whirlwind.

Hearing the Frog Prince's description, Henry cried out, "My prince, this is magic! The princess must have been captured by the Greenbeard!"

Hearing the name Greenbeard, the Frog Prince was also startled. He knew that Snow White falling into his hands was a very dangerous thing, because there was nothing that the demon couldn't do. He decided to set out to rescue Princess Snow White immediately.

But Henry tried to dissuade him, "Bluebeard knows magic, no matter how sharp a sword, no matter how hard a hammer, can't hurt him. It's no use if the prince goes like this!"

"I need some companions!"

The prince declared and immediately recruited warriors from all over the kingdom to go with him to the northern kingdom to save the princess. But when they heard that they had to fight the Greenbeard, everyone was scared, and the brave everyday warriors had to falter. Even if the prince offered a bounty of money, barley or a good horse, no one dared to go, all abstaining from Greenbeard.

"Even if I am alone, I must save the princess!"

Saying that, the Frog Prince took his sword on his horse and prepared to depart. He is alone. Before leaving, Henry came to him and reminded the prince, "Your route this time will be through the land of Wind, the land of China, the land of the night, the land of water and the land of snow. Every country has the bravest, the prince can find them to fight Greenbeard." The Frog Prince was overjoyed, saying that he would find five warriors in these five countries and persuade them to follow him.

The next morning, the Frog Prince set off.