Chapter Seven


Before I knew it a month had flown by, and the full moon was to arise that very night; it was the first full moon since Alora had come to live with me, in Whitlock Manor, so as you would expect; my nerves we’re through the roof.

I had spent day, and night for a week's time, trying to come up with a solution to my little predicament; what to do with Alora? To answer that, I had to answer another question. To tell her the truth? Or too not? I only pondered this for a day or two before ultimately deciding to not. I mean what would she think of me after finding out who I was, about what I had done, and what I had become! She would think me to be a monster. And I was a monster indeed, but for, some reason I couldn't deal with the thought of her believing so.

The rest of the week was spent contemplating where to put her. This predicament was more troubling than the first. It took me until the last day for the answer to finally come to me. The simplest thing to do would be to lie to her and have her go to bed early. She would be safe from me there. So that's what I did; I lied.

As if knowing my plan, the alluring smell of dinner drew us into the dining room earlier than it usually had. We ate and talked as we normally had, then off to bed she went. Then I sat in wait, for my next bride, my next victim.

The night went like any other full moon. I transformed at the stroke of midnight, and when I awoke it was nearly five. I was naked, and covered with blood. I grabbed the fur overtop of me, and wrapped myself up, before walking down the hall, as I pass by Alora's bedchamber I hear a small creek, the door had opened.

"Every?" I hear Alora call out to me. I turn around to see her face full of concern. "You're crying." I lift my hand to my cheek, and feel tears streaming down my face. My knees go weak, and I fall to the ground. Alora sprints over to me. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"I just want this endless cycle of pain to come to an end. Why won't it stop!" Alora wraps her arms around me, and holds me till the tears stop.

We never talked about that night; but there was a new mutual understanding between the two of us. We grew closer. Some may have even called us friends.