Year 1800 (Part 1)


In many instances, tourists to Metro Manila perceive the Philippines as the most westernized of Asian countries, and they are right. In 1565, Spanish conquistadors founded a colonial authority in Cebu. In 1571, they moved the seat of administration to Manila and began colonizing the nation. In 1896, the Filipinos fought back and staged Asia's first nationalist revolution. Due to their dedication, courage, and love for the country, the Filipino warriors were able to expel them throughout their three hundred and thirty-three-year invasion of the country.

The Spanish invasion purposefully imposed brutality on every Filipino; if you ask the majority, the Spanish are the only people they know who are greedy and only bother about themselves.

But, contrary to popular belief, not all Spaniards are the same. Let's get to know Sullivan, who after a hundred years, was reincarnated as a Spaniard and is now known as Caspian, a Captain General and the new Spanish commander in the Manila area.

"Have you heard of a new leader in our community recently? The old man who governed us for over twenty years has been replaced; my information is that he died battling the Filipino warriors, which is fortunate for him." Acadia remarked, she is Sierra's younger sister and because her mother died a long time ago and her father, a Spaniard, abandoned them when her mother became pregnant with Acadia, she is Sierra's sole companionship. Because they are just a year apart in age, they get along really well.

Sierra stayed silent and appeared to be intensely pondering; many things were consuming her head at the time since she was wondering how to study in a large institution despite her lack of financial resources. Sierra had many ambitions, including becoming a doctor in the United States and, most importantly, providing a happy and fulfilling life for her sister, Acadia.

"I haven't seen the new Captain General who will oversee us yet but according to the majority of rumors, he has a pleasing appearance and a masculine body. However, according to my memory, now would be the moment to announce him to Bagumbayan as the new leader in Manila, it's only a short distance away, we should go there." Acadia continued she even plans to take the woman's hand in hers and drag her towards Bagumbayan but Sierra's thoughts were still deep at the time. As a response, Acadia came to a halt and quickly blocked her sister's way.

They were now on their home after they went to the market to buy some foods to eat that day. Sierra only noticed her there because of what her sister did, as though it was only there that her mind returned to reality.

"It's like if I am insane here as if I'm speaking to the wind rather than you. What exactly are you thinking about that is bothering you so much?" Sierra closed her eyes hard to empty her mind of the difficulties that were bugging her, as Acadia said.

"I am just constantly thinking currently. Acadia, I know you are aware that—"

"That your thoughts are on our future so you are thinking about how you'll study in college and graduate then to become a well-known doctor in the United States. Because if that occurs, you will provide me with a comfortable life, and we will no longer have to live in the Philippines, which is full of chaos as a result of the Spanish invasion, isn't it? Yes, I've remembered every single one of your lines." Sierra couldn't finish what she intended to say since her sister cut her off and had memorized every word she said every time she will ask by her why she was in silence and appeared to be thinking deeply.

"I understand that your head is filled with possibilities in which we already have a decent life and you will no longer have to struggle to hunt wild animals in the forest in order to trade in the market for the money. However, you are unaware that in your preoccupation with our future, you have forgotten to look at and appreciate the present. If you ask me, I am perfectly all right having a humble life with you, to simply stay here, even though this place is fraught with difficulty, the main thing is that we are happy here. It's fine if we don't get the prosperous life that you wanted, as long as we're together. I'm eager to accommodate you in hunting wild animals—"

"That's what I'm hoping to prevent, Acadia. I won't let you work because I can do it all by myself, all I want is for you to understand me and my ambition for us so that we don't have to suffer any longer." Sierra's voice was filled with displeasure at the fact that her sister could no longer get what he was looking for, she simply rested deeply, knowing that the two of them would quarrel over this topic again.

"And all I want is for you to appreciate the pleasure and satisfaction that this place provides, and I hope you will find a reason to stay." She later considered leaving and heading to their house first because it was not far from where they were previously, but she couldn't say goodbye to Sierra because she was upset.

Sierra stares intently at her sister until she was out of her sight. She couldn't help but grieve since she knew their viewpoints were different and that each of them was right in some way; this scenario is challenging for her, especially since her dream is at stake, not only for her but also for her sister and she couldn't decide which she should value more, her sister's demands or her own.

Because of the enormity of the situation she was dealing with, she couldn't help but yell aloud as if she were on top of the mountain alone; she didn't seem to mind at the time, despite the fact that many people were staring at her. All she wanted to do was lose the weight she was carrying. When she felt her burden had been lifted as a result of what she had done, she began walking back to their house, but the power of a chariot impacting with her nearly separated her soul from her body.

She would literally sit on the road's ground owing to the heavy impact, she couldn't help but become irritated as a result of the physical pain she was in.

When she stood up to reprimand whoever was in control of the chariot, her mouth almost dropped when she noticed that instead of asking if she was okay, the mysterious man was still able to touch his horse, as if he was concerned that his horse had been injured in the accident with Sierra.

"Will you not even offer an apology? Rather than asking whether I'm alright since my ass is almost clinging to the floor. Instead, you concentrate and worry for your horse, who is clearly unharmed." Because of her rage at the unknown young guy, the girl's nose was almost smokey, his stance and demeanor already indicated that he was a Spaniard.

"What indication do you have that my horse wasn't hurt? Are you a veterinarian?" Sierra's brow wrinkled, even more, when the young man's voice, with its sarcasm, could be heard. When she noticed the man wink at her after delivering those words, her head became more feverish.

"How dare—"

She was ready to say something, but she couldn't because some chariots were approaching and came to a halt in front of her. She only clarified that the guys were all Spanish soldiers when they got down in their numerous chariots and went in their direction.

"Captain General..." The mystery man who had collided with Sierra earlier was drawn in by the simultaneous pronunciation of five individuals,

"No deberías llegar tarde a la ceremonia porque tu padre seguramente te regañará." (You shouldn't be late for the ceremony because your father will surely reprimand you.) Remarked of a man standing in the middle. Sierra merely gazed at them since she didn't understand the language of Spanish and couldn't understand what the men were saying.

"Solo faltaban tres minutos para que comenzara la ceremonia, así que mejor nos vamos ahora." (We barely had three minutes until the ceremony began, so we should go right now.) The mystery young guy merely responded with a nod, so the five men returned to their chariots.

Sierra was still frowning as the unknown man returned his gaze. He approached it and then offered the girl the flower of tulip he was carrying; they were given to him by a woman in the Plaza who admired him.

"Sell it so your ass will not hurt any longer. Nonetheless, me parece haberte visto en mi sueño" (I seem to have seen you in my dream) Sierra couldn't help but be irritated by what the young guy had said as she glanced at him. His voice was sarcastic and mischievous, and Sierra couldn't help but be annoyed.

The girl couldn't explain why she couldn't talk since the young man's face was so near to her, so she simply continued staring at the soft yet charismatic face of the young man. She couldn't remember his name, but she knew one thing: he was a Captain-General. Sierra's thoughts seemed to be flying while Acadia was communicating with her earlier, and she didn't even know the prior leader in their region had died, thus she replaced him with a new one, so even when she was alluded to as Captain-General, she didn't really get it.

Sierra simply stood there watching the young man till he was able to leave with his chariot, while five men followed behind him.

"May the horse you are riding crash down, antipathetic." Only the lady muttered as she moved her gaze behind the Spaniard, who was busy guiding his white horse until it vanished from view.

She didn't know why her heart suddenly raced so rapidly that she felt dizzy as she concentrated on the tulip flower she was holding; she could hear voices in her head, but she couldn't figure out where or who they were coming from. Soon after, that voice faded from her thoughts, and she was able to stuff the flower into her sack since she knew that looking at it would trigger an unfathomable scenario in her head. She had no idea what it was, and she couldn't describe it.

After her dizziness subsided, she just opted to stroll and return home.