The Letter

Casey did not hesitate to go to their house the next day, speculating that she might have knowledge there that her parents had kept from her, but before she finally entered a street where their house was lined up, she double-checked that no one would suspect her.

Fortunately, he saw Liam, a ten-year-old child who was the only one living at the time and was known in their neighborhood as a waste dumper when everyone in the squatter area he just choose this since he was young because he knew from the start that he'd be able to make money there. Because children are closest to Casey's heart, it created a reason for Liam and her to become close; she was treated as the older sister of Liam, and he was the only person Casey trusted in that area.

Because Casey was no longer lucky enough to attend the location, the two hadn't seen each other in over a week, so Liam was pleased to see the lady he considered her sister. Because of the enormous joy he felt, he practically never left the girl's embrace, Casey was overjoyed. Casey observes that the boy was hungry after soaking in the warmth looking for garbage to gain money, so she took him to a restaurant and fed him there; she did not go to their house since she wanted to ask Liam first regarding the observations he makes at their surroundings.

She smiled as she watched the kid eat a sandwich and juice as though he was very hungry, prompting Casey to laugh softly.

"I was intending to take you to stay in my recently bought house, but my parents passed away, so I haven't told you about it." When the child heard what Casey said, his eyes almost opened with joy; she had long desired to take the child but lacked the means to do so before, but now she will be able to comprehend her long-held ambition. Liam is very close to his parents, who appear to treat him as if he were a child, the youngster eats and sleeps in their own home on occasionally.

"I understand if you didn't tell it right away; I know the causes, and I am extremely sad for you, ate." (big sister) When he said those words, the child's happiness and excitement were replaced with sadness; he misses Vera and Yael so much that he has thought and considered as his parents in a long time.

When Liam looked at Casey, though, it felt different; by the time she was with him since he was a child, she already knew when it was lying and if there were any secrets hidden from her. The boy was also unable to look her in the eyes, which added to the girl's suspicions.

"Is there a problem?" As she observed Liam deflect his sight from her, the girl questioned bluntly, thus she got up from her seat and walked straight to the boy to address him.

"I know you, what are you hiding from me?" She inquired, and by the time the child looked at her directly, the unexplainable terror in the child's eyes was still visible. Casey grabbed the young man's two hands and forced him to look him in the eyes since he was curious and are eager to learn the truth.

"Did you notice anyone outside our house roaming or observing?" Liam's attention was drawn to her by the forthright question, his face startled and nearly shaking with unexplainable uneasiness or worry. As a result, Casey became increasingly convinced that the child was concealing something from her; she knew all of his negative issues are almost told on her, and even what he did every day, he always told the girl, so that Casey was very particularly worried about what was causing anxiousness of Liam which he considered her brother.

"I can't tell you because I am sure he will hurt you, he's a bizarre monster, and the instant I told you this, I knew he'd murder you. He is not an ordinary individual—"

Liam could scarcely be stopped from speaking at the time, probably due to dread and weird anxiousness, so Casey took advantage of the opportunity to stop him from speaking because he was already feeling bad.

"Who scared you? Tell me." Casey's voice could be heard in the weird rage that erupted in her heart. The ones she didn't want the most were those who were obliged to deal with and be impacted by problems that must be solely about her.

"I am not sure what his name is, but I know what he looks. I always see him in your house, searching around as if someone is about to arrive, so I stopped you earlier; I don't want him to see you since you will undoubtedly be harmed if he does." Liam replied, his voice muffled by his intense worry of something horrible happening to his ostensibly older sister, now that she knew what she shouldn't know.


Because Casey had been unable to visit that location at the time, the young man Liam had no idea where he would seek for the female. So, after dealing in the garbage, he went straight to Casey's house and speculated that it had already returned to their house.

Liam was raised in an orphanage but opted to run out when he was eight years old since he felt he had a different life to live outside. When he was younger, he appeared to be so old that if he considered it, others would believe he was old enough due to his maturity and also be surprised when they discovered his actual age. On the precise day he escaped he instantly met Casey, and there the first day they met, they grew close at that point, and Liam spent a lot of time in their house sleeping and eating. Despite the fact that they had only recently met him, he was treated as if he were a part of their family. Vera and Yael also wished a son but were unable to have one, so they were overjoyed when Liam entered their lives.

As Liam made his way to Casey's house he was welcomed with a very gloomy surroundings, he was disappointing to find that it was dark and empty with no one around, but even though he knew no one was there he still thought of going to the door of the house of Casey and knocked, hoping someone would open the door for him.

He knew what had happened to Casey's parents, who he considered to be his parents, and he couldn't help but cry as he reminisced and relived his experiences with Vera and Yael. Despite the fact that they were not his biological parents, Liam felt the real love of a parent for the first time in his life with the two of them in a short period of time.

He knocked a few times but no one answered, so he gave up and brushed his tears away before moving away, but he was stopped by a tall man who has white complexion. The man's razor-sharp teeth and two menacing fangs were the first thing that caught his attention. Because of his nervousness, he could scarcely move, and even if he could talk, he could not.

"Do you have any idea who the daughter of the two people that perished in that house is?" The man screamed and even managed to clutch Liam's dress collar to intimidate him. Anger welled up in the young man's heart as a result of what he had heard; he was certain that the man in front of him was now responsible for the deaths of two key persons in his life.

"What are you looking for from her? Are you the one who kill her parents? What have Miss Vera and Mister Yael done to those of you who have no heart? What are —"

"You are too loud, and the only thing that should be done to someone like you is to be hurt!" The individual, if recognized, is named Brandon, and he shouts loudly. "Tell me where the daughter of two persons who live in that house is!" Brandon yelled at him again, and despite his fear, he opted to stand up. He won't be putting his recognized older sister in danger, so he just chose not to say what he knew he shouldn't because he didn't want to betray Casey.

"Even if I die, I will never tell you that." Brandon's rage was heightened by Liam's calm yet vigorous pronunciation of words.

For some odd reason, he had already readied his hand to punch the kid in the stomach, but Liam quickly restrained Brandon's enormous fist. Even he was taken aback by his own strength in those moments even Brandon, who possessed a strange strength and power of his own, was taken aback by the innate energy of a child half his age.

"What race are you? You don't seem like an ordinary individual for me; why do you have the capability of somebody like me?" Brandon's query was equally perplexing; his interest was evident in his voice and demeanor, as was Liam's reaction, but he took advantage of the chance to get away from Brandon's grasp, the kid vanished from the man's sight in an instant, and it was only when he saw that the boy was no longer in front of him that he realized what had happened.

"Which race do you belong to, kiddo, the Vampires or the Werewolves? That's what I need to know since I believe you will play a significant part for me in the future." Brandon stated loudly, gripping his fists, that he couldn't identify the lady his father was seeking for him once again.

He didn't want to spend any more time and wanted to find anyone else, but he couldn't since his mother had made a commitment to him in addition to what his father wanted.


"Only look through the window hole, and notify me as soon as you see the individual you're talking about again; I was just looking for information that was probably buried within our house." They proceeded straight to the old home where they were staying after eating, and they were able to go inside through a hidden tunnel where no one knew anybody but Casey.

"Don't worry, I can defend you as soon as he sees us, ate." (Big Sister) Liam smiled and muttered something to confuse Casey, but she couldn't say anything further since she knew the only amount of hours she could be inside that home before the opponents would spot them and detect anything weird.

Casey entered her parents' room right away, which made her cry again, bringing back to her memory the moments when they were slaughtered in front of her.

"I-I a-am s-sorry..." Words that just came out of her mouth; she wanted to weep and yell to release the sadness and pain she felt, but she could not, after she saw the photo of her parents in a frame, she carefully examined it before returning there. He kept the good recollections that he still had with them in her mind and she could not help but grief and cry silently.

To this day, she blames herself for his parents' deaths; if she had just done anything, presumably her parents would still be alive today, and hopefully as happy as they were before.

"I know you will still guide me even though you're gone now, though I am hoping that both of you will assist me in making process as simple as possible." She spoke openly as if she could converse to his parents in person, and she did not expect the tears to stream streaming down her face. Her parents were gone, yet she could still feel their presence in her heart and soul.

She opened her eyes when she heard something fall on a small table not too far from she was; when she looked at the fallen comb, she had no idea why it had gone down; but in a flash, her attention was drawn to a paper on the table with a flower vase on top of it, preventing it from flying away; she had no idea why, but her heartbeat quickened at that moment.

She immediately headed in that direction and picked up the paper, her eyes almost widened when she saw that it is his father's handwriting. By the time she had almost stopped her tears from coming down, she knew her father didn't want her to be seen crying.


By the time you read this letter, I am assured that your mother and I were dead. We can no longer embrace and commiserate with you when you are upset or frustrated, and I believe that is the worst period. We don't want you to think we abandoned you; perhaps that was fate's plan all along, my daughter.

Is it possible that it's also my responsibility since I pulled you away from the destiny that awaits you? Can you blame me for not wanting to hurt you, as a father? We have also noticed your mother that someone is spying our house on sometimes, but although I can't see their faces, I know you are what they are seeking. I don't want you to suffer, and I don't want you to put your life on the line in a world that is rife with violence and bloodshed. Casey, that's not the life your mother and I envisioned for you. We want you to grow up normal and undisturbed by your fate. That's why we kept your genuine identity a secret from you. You are the one who has the power to eliminate the two races who are wreaking devastation and turmoil in our world; you are the one who is meant to rule this century in opposition to their rulers.

I know you still don't get what I am confessing, so I will encourage you to hunt for Amarah Austin, also known as Madam A. She will be a huge benefit to you on your quest, and I am sure she will be pleased to see you. Merely show her the necklace your mother and I gave you, and she'll know who you are. You will be secure in her hands, put your faith in me.

My daughter, I have no regrets for taking you away from your mission for so many years, but now I see that this is the only way for you to save yourself and the whole of humanity. I don't want you to experience this life, but I can't stop; it's already engraved in your fate.

Please always remember that we will fight for your safety until the very last breath. Your mother and I love you.

Until next time, my child. Goodbye.

Your Father,


After reading what was written on that piece of paper, Casey was barely able to respond; tears were her only response and reaction to anything her father revealed. It was unmistakable to her now that the extraordinary beings who had come to their house were after her. Her parents might still be alive if it weren't for her, but they loved her so much that they protected her till the end.

She likewise stayed silent for a few minutes as she read the words written on the paper over and over again in silence. Because of her wrath, she eventually closed her eyes and almost tightened her grasp on the paper she was reading. She paid little heed to his father's statements, although her resentment was more profound, especially at the creatures who had killed her parents.

"Whoever they are, they will pay for what they did to you, and I will condemn them even worst." She stated forcefully, her voice full of emotion, but the only feeling that came through was her anger since she was already seeking vengeance.

"Ate!" (Big Sister) When Casey heard young Yael summoning her, she got up from her seat and walked over to meet the child who was now on his way to the room.

"I spotted the man I was talking about before, he was in his car, and we need to get out of here." Liam almost gasped as he shouted those words and Casey and he silently exited the home, passing behind the house.

"Hold this letter, keep it safe, when the time comes, I will retrieve it, do you understand?" Casey said cautiously as she handed over the paper containing her father's message; she couldn't figure it out, but she felt something unpleasant was about to happen to her, therefore the letter should remain in good hands since opponents may use it against her. Liam's face was flushed with astonishment as he held the paper in his palm, unsure of what the woman was indicating.

"But, ate, where are you going? I have to accompany you; I don't want you to hurt." The boy's voice was full of concern while Casey's eyes were fixed on the car that Liam was referring to, where the man who was seeking for her and intended to murder her was hidden inside.

"You shouldn't come with me; what I am going to do is dangerous, and you'll almost certainly be harmed; you are still young, Liam. I have to follow him." Casey's solemn remark prompted him to take one more look at Liam before touching his cheek.

Liam was similarly deafeningly quiet for a few moments before speaking.

"But, like the man in the car, I have a peculiar power, and I need to know the truth about my identity. I knew something was odd about me when I was younger, and I needed to know what it was; I didn't know who my parents were, and I needed to learn more about them, and I knew you could help me—"

When he realized that Casey was no longer in front of him, he couldn't complete what he intended to say, but he was bold enough to hope that Casey would follow the automobile owned by the man.

He simply sighed at the prospect of Casey leaving him once more.

Meanwhile, the car came to a halt in front of a loud and noisy bar, and the young man within stepped inside, he knew at that time that Casey was monitoring him, as he had planned. When he noticed the woman he was waiting for at the bar walking in, he instantly rushed to the bar counter and asked for a drink. Casey's eyes looked to be seeking for something when she entered the bar, who made Brandon smirk.

When he requested another glass of wine, he covertly mixed it with a strange-smelling liquid. He shakes the glass to hide the fact that he put a potion in it, then orders a waitress to hand it over to Casey. When a waitress handed the woman the wine, it appeared that Casey's attention had been drawn to the situation, as if the item was commanding her to drink it.

Casey accepted and drank the wine provided to her for some odd reason, leading Brandon's grin to broaden even further.

"You're mine once more, Leticia."