Her Resentment

It was a nice thing in her view, and she even went into her son's room to see him because she would not have been able to talk to him in depth even for a second otherwise.

"Why did you only come home now? I am worried about you; you haven't shown up in over a week, and you haven't responded to my texts or calls." She gave Brandon a cause to glance at her and halt what he was doing right away. The entrance of her mother appeared to irritate him even more, as seen by the grimace on his face.

"I simply want to get out of here; the environment is becoming toxic, particularly as Dad. I don't want to stay here much longer; I'd want to go somewhere alone, so if you could please quit bothering me. I am fine with where I am now." As he proceeded to pack his clothing into his large luggage, he responded promptly. Celeste approached him after a while and instantly stroked his face.