Another Plan (Part 2)


"Are you intending to start your own family? I know you, every time you keep something from me, tell me what it is. I heard the woman's voice on your phone yesterday. I won't be angry with your decision if that's what you want, Brandon. But I am happy for you. Can you introduce me to the woman with you, according to her she is your girlfriend—" Celeste responded but still di not finish what she wanted to say, with a nice smile on her lips, that she was delighted for her kid as a mother.

"Whatever I plan on my life you don't care about that anymore, so don't bother contacting me. Now that you are aware, I'd like to leave and live alone temporarily." Celeste's cheerful expression had vanished from her lips, as according Brandon but it was quickly overtaken by fear and surprise at what her son had stated.

It does not really appear to agree with her son's leaving since she believes it is occurring too quickly.