Her Discomfort (Part 3)

"There were five vampires who attacked a restaurant for reasons I don't fully comprehend; perhaps they were desperately hungry and suddenly entered their mind to spread fear among the people in that area, but they disobeyed my command! How many times have I told them it's not the right time to come out of our hiding places yet? It's not the appropriate time in quite a while since they will undoubtedly be the way for the Meilleure to find us!" Orpheus spoke for a long period of time, his voice trembling with rage because the vampires had disobeyed his instruction. One of the reasons the vampires stopped causing havoc was that they knew Meilleure had been born at that precise moment, but they could not find it no matter what they did, so they decided to let on that they had been silent for a long time in the hopes that the woman mentioned in the prophecy would not seek them out or even retaliate.