The Nightmare (Part 4)

"Who are you?" When Liam's doppelganger replicated what he had said, his emotions were heightened his eyes expanded and his lips opened in surprise at the same instant, they possess the same voice, and it will be difficult to tell which is the genuine Liam, regardless of whether it can be seen.

"Liam, don't be loud. Miss Ava will surely get angry." Steven's voice, he was the same age as the child; it was one of his orphanage friends; the child's eyes were closed, so he didn't notice that two Liam's were there at the moment.

"Liam, don't be loud. Miss Ava will surely get angry." Liam almost fell out of his bed when he realized that his doppelganger was repeating what Steven said; it was the first time he realized that anybody was imitated by him; he reasoned that if he left, they would not be searching for him as intensely, so it made him smile for a while.