The Incredulity (Part 2)

"We promise, father." Casey murmured as she smiled broadly.

"I have important thing to say, did you know that Casey's college course will be law? Isn't it your dream?" Vera's voice was filled with joy as she spoke the words she wanted to say to her husband, and she was able to hold her daughter, Casey by the waist with immense delight.

"Really? I am the proudest at this moment. As a result, I will work even harder to ensure that you can attend college next school year." Yael's eyes were almost gleaming from what he had heard, and he hugged his daughter firmly to tell her how delighted he was that she had chosen this path.

Vera's eyes welled up with tears as she realized the situation she had uncovered today, she knew how important being a lawyer was to Yael, but he didn't fulfill it because of an crucial responsibility but now she is happy because their daughter will.

"Best of luck, our lawyer"
